Working From Home. Is it what it's cracked-up to be ?


Does anyone here really enjoy working from home and if so what do you do ? 

It really hit home to me, whilst out having an early morning walk today by the river, that I would be much happier working from home. I have worked a physical job most of my life and have known a change was long overdue, for years actually. I've realised this is causing me more stress than what it's worth and I'm in the process of minimising as much stress as I can, even if it may involve a loss of income. 

I've looked around at some of the most common jobs people are doing from home but don't really interest me, like corporate companies, data-entry, sales and so on. They're just not my cup of tea. I'd much more prefer to be helpful or creative or contribute something positive in some way. I'm just wondering how to go about finding work I could do from home that could be interesting or maybe even meaningful ? 

Any insights would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

  • Yes, I do enjoy working from home. I teach French and English part-time online.  I am lucky enough to be able to choose when and for how long I work (just two days a week for a couple of hours). Teaching isn't really work for me because it's something I enjoy, but it can be challenging, so I prefer to do it at home whenever possible.

    I love being at home.

    I work much better at home because I have prefect dominion over my environment (light and noise). When I go out, it's for fun things. I go out to enjoy a walk or a coffee with friends and family, but not for work. Not for anything that requires concentration or cognitive acrobatics.

    I play piano and guitar at home too and for the past twelve months I've been composing and jamming with other musicians online in a weekly session. That has not been an enjoyable as being outside of the house with other people.

    Some things are definitely better done outside of the house.

    We will be going into the studio in the a few weeks time and I am looking forward to that very much. 

  • Yes, I do enjoy working from home. I teach French and English part-time online.  I am lucky enough to be able to choose when and for how long I work (just two days a week for a couple of hours). Teaching isn't really work for me because it's something I enjoy, but it can be challenging, so I prefer to do it at home whenever possible.

    I love being at home.

    I work much better at home because I have prefect dominion over my environment (light and noise). When I go out, it's for fun things. I go out to enjoy a walk or a coffee with friends and family, but not for work. Not for anything that requires concentration or cognitive acrobatics.

    I play piano and guitar at home too and for the past twelve months I've been composing and jamming with other musicians online in a weekly session. That has not been an enjoyable as being outside of the house with other people.

    Some things are definitely better done outside of the house.

    We will be going into the studio in the a few weeks time and I am looking forward to that very much. 

  • WOW Michael,

    That is so interesting.  One of the reasons why I'd have previously thought anyone who suggested I might be on the spectrum a year ago was bonkers, was the same reason my friend gave when I discussed it with her; "But you're so articulate.  You're a linguist.  You've taught.  You talk to people".  I have a degree in modern foreign languages, despite my dyslexia.

    But I am beginning to understand now how both things might be true.  It could be that I've survived well on the spoken interactions, because they are explicit and make up for what I'm not 'reading' in other ways, I guess.  We'll see what they say when I'm assessed, I suppose.  But it's nice hear that there are others with a capacity for modern foreign languages out there, regardless of any other traits. I'm teaching myself Italian now so I can pursue my Italian family history.

    Oh, and I do also do data.  I'm a data manager.

    Thanks for posting this.  It's a revelation :-)

  • You sound like you have a natural ability for language. I've read that a lot of people who excel in language don't really like Maths and those number guys are not big into English or language. Is there any truth to that ? That's great you have flexibility in choosing your hours and it's something that really appeals to me as I'd like to combine it with getting out in the fresh air everyday and generally slowing the pace. Did you need a lot of training/qualifications for your work ?