Energy Healing

I'm newly on the NHS waiting list for an adult autism assessment.

Also recently enrolled in a pet therapy course which includes energy healing. I'm struggling with the latter part but don't know if it's me and being new to it or any potential spectrum effects blocking it.

Google is no help as it just returns results for energy healing helping autism.

Can an autistic person successfully train in and use energy healing or am I wasting my time trying?

  • Hi, in my understanding, energy healing requires a two-way working partnership between the person delivering it, and the person receiving it. So I'm not sure how it can work with animals. Also it depletes the energy of the person delivering the healing. I would be very dubious of online courses which offer this. A friend of mine was interested in energy healing, as well as massage and homeopathy. Her courses all required actual contact to learn the techniques, otherwise damage could be done. She also found that it seriously tapped her own energy reserves. I don't see why you couldn't do it, provided you look after yourself and your energy levels. In my honest opinion, I would feel that a pet version is more of a trick. Energy healing has been around for centuries, just not with animals. If it's something that you want to do, then don't let anyone stop you, but I will be honest and say I personally believe it to be a scam. If you're interested in energy healing, why not look into crystals, for people. Hope this helps.

  • Its not like that Pikl. I went to a healing meeting because I was a desperate 17-year-old in agony. I didn't believe for a second that it would do a thing, but it did. There is a way to heal a person without depleting your own energy too. Its a case of washing your hands & getting out of the area where the healing took place. I agree, it still sounds nuts to me too, but it worked for me so I don't question it. It doesn't always work because people may not use it enough to give strong healing. 

  • Its not like that Pikl. I went to a healing meeting because I was a desperate 17-year-old in agony. I didn't believe for a second that it would do a thing, but it did. There is a way to heal a person without depleting your own energy too. Its a case of washing your hands & getting out of the area where the healing took place. I agree, it still sounds nuts to me too, but it worked for me so I don't question it. It doesn't always work because people may not use it enough to give strong healing. 

  • Meant animals, not adults.

  • I'm really pleased it helped you Trei! I agree it works for some people, I would say that it would possibly be because of the training of the healer, and to do with the recipient also. I just honestly cannot see how an online course would actually teach anything practical. Then there's the concept of using it with adults. I don't mean to cause offence to anyone, if this is something they are passionate about, then they should do it. A highly qualified and knowledgeable person working with people, I have no issue with. Again, just my own thoughts which are not intended to upset anyone.