
I was wondering if we have superpowers that 'normal people' don't have. This is not a serious and philosophical post, just a bit light hearted.

I reckon mine is that I see through people, not physically, but I always see the true nature of people. I can't count the number of times people have said to me 'I really like Sally/ Jane/ Mike/ Bob, they're a really nice person.' But I don't generally see the nice side of them, I always see their worst traits. They can't fool me.

Of course sometimes Sally/ Jane/ Mike/ Bob does turn out to be a really nice person, so I see their best traits.

People can't fool me with their surface appearance of being nice, I only see their genuine niceness. This sense is disconcerting but I've decided it's very helpful to me in life.

I've also just thought that my 'early warning system' is a superpower. I can spot a potential problem and find a solution before anyone else has even perceived a problem. Annoying but useful.

EDIT 1: I just remembered another. I can chill a room instantly. Many times someone has said something to upset or anger me, 'something' happens to me(a bit like a minor shockwave) and I notice the room go cold. Everyone else notices too and stares at me. I can't control this, it just happens when I'm angry or shocked. The temperature drops and everyone pauses for a moment. It's a bit of an 'Elsa from Frozen' type of power. I should learn to control it.

EDIT 2: Also remembered a weird thing. When I'm typing, which I always am, often I type a word e.g. elephant, someone on TV says the same word at exactly the same time. My writing is nothing to do with what is on TV. This happens so much, it's strange. Not really a superpower but noticeable.

Does anyone else think they have superpowers and what are they?

  • Yes, I have that too - I call it my 'x-ray vision', ha. It scares people, which is why I have few friends. I don't go out (have stopped going out pre-Covid as well), because if I have some drinks and someone annoys me, I can't help but make piss-takey jokes, which makes people livid... it's impossible to fool me. My relationships with men (I'm a straight woman) usually don't work out either, because I see through bullshit, which hurts their egos lol

  • Yes, I have that too - I call it my 'x-ray vision', ha. It scares people, which is why I have few friends. I don't go out (have stopped going out pre-Covid as well), because if I have some drinks and someone annoys me, I can't help but make piss-takey jokes, which makes people livid... it's impossible to fool me. My relationships with men (I'm a straight woman) usually don't work out either, because I see through bullshit, which hurts their egos lol

  • I also stopped going out pre Covid due to health issues, I understand you. I think I put people off with the x ray vision, same as you. We see through bullshit without meaning to, I guess. I am married but I saw right through my husband at once i.e. he is a truly good person and there aren't many of those around. Everyone else says 'but he's so short, he has white hair, he scowls all the time.' So what? His heart is good.