What Do I Do now?

I went through a diagnosis late last year through the NHS and they have said that I don't meet all 3 criteria.  I don't have enough compulsions or rituals.

I don't think they went into it enough, I always step off pavements with my left foot, I count the steps to get past houses etc and I practice stimming a lot to such an extent I have callouses on the backs of my thumbs but, at 58 I don't think there is much they can do anyway so probably not worth arguing about it.  So I need to work out, like a few others, am I really Autistic or just weird?

  • This is something I worry about as I personally don't feel very ritualistic either. Strangely, mine are also about pavements although I like to always cross the same roads at certain places and feel agitated if I can't for any reason. I also do a lot of counting. I count when I fill up my kettle with water for example. I love the soothing counting of stitches when I'm knitting. 

    I have my initial assessment on 15th March so I may have the same outcome! 

    You say "not much they can do anyway" - what had you hoped for from diagnosis? For me, I hope for support with work because I burn out quite easily.

  • I guess I had hoped to get the label, I can get help at work by self identifying but I like to get the official verdict.

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