Initial assessment/screening

What was your experience like? I've got mine (unexpectedly) in 2 weeks time. Is it usually a questionnaire type process or more unstructured? Because it is over zoom-like video link rather than fave to face in person I'm unsure what to expect.

  • Just had the assessment (and been diagnosed!). I was diagnosed even though I have good social imagination and scored 27/36 on an emotional intelligence test, in which you had to guess people's emotions from just a picture of their eyes - so do have hope!

    It wasn't as painful as I had feared. I personally experienced the DISCO. As basic as it sounds, I would advise you to think through the diagnostic criteria and gather examples of behaviours you have which cohere with those. I know that you have probably compiled a list of reasons why you think you have autism, but the assessor will ask you questions geared towards them and you might find it hard to pluck (multiple) examples out of thin air. Plus, if they're like my assessor, they'll ask, 'is there anything else you want to discuss?', so it can help to have things at the ready. I had my laptop so that it had a split screen and had my page full of notes readily visible.

    Don't be afraid to be true, authentic yourself at the risk of hurting the assessor's feelings by, i.e., not laughing at their jokes. But equally, don't worry if you end up masking, as my assessor, for one, said that she'd be able to tell if I was masking.

    Wish you the best of luck with your assessment!

  • Thank you for this feedback. I'm definitely going to take some time to properly prepare. Interesting feedback about emotional intelligence as this is something about myself that I'm not sure aligns with autism, but who knows. 

    How do you feel? 

  • Sorry - I meant social intelligence! But also, I think not knowing how you're feeling is an autistic trait.

    I feel amazing, thanks. I couldn't stop thanking my assessor for diagnosing me haha

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