'Coming out' after being diagnosed

Hi all. I'm Robin and yesterday I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I'm not sure what to do now!

My mam was with me for my assessment, and I've told my brother and my closest pal. But how do I go about telling people at work? It's not like I need them to make any adjustments at the moment, so it's almost irrelevant but it also feels like something important to share.

Does anyone have any advice?

  • if it really doesnt affect your work - dont tell anyone, simply because some people ( theres always some :(  )  will discriminate against u ,,,, eg speak to u less.

    Some managers can over react and will give you less complex work which gradually weakens your employability.

  • if it really doesnt affect your work - dont tell anyone, simply because some people ( theres always some :(  )  will discriminate against u ,,,, eg speak to u less.

    Some managers can over react and will give you less complex work which gradually weakens your employability.
