Julian Assange

He is an autistic journalist, wanted in USA for 175 year prison sentence, but is dying in a London Prison at the age of 49.

Have a look at recent pictures of him!!

60 doctors have signed a statement of concern about his medical situation and the legal management.

He had his trial in September but not being finally judged until January

Anyone supporting his plight for Autism Injustice?

  • He's being held in custody because he spent several years breaching bail conditions and can not be trusted to his own devices.

    That's got nothing to do with autism. That was a deliberate act by him in contravention of the law, and he knew the consequences and he chose to do it anyway. He was eventually captured, given a fair trial and punished for that, but now that he's going through an extradition process he's subject to further restrictions and can't be trusted. Sorry.

    That the US should not be trying to extradite him, that he won't receive a fair trial there, that being autistic means he'll unduly suffer due to the barbarity of the US prison system, all those are factors he can raise in his fight against extradition. They do not however mean that he's being mistreated now.

    If he is being mistreated then the required change is putting him in a secure hospital, not releasing him. Again, nothing to do with autism - I'd fully expect the same for any prisoner, on remand or otherwise.

  • Also, at the time, he had a lot of very influential people supporting him - politicians on both sides and all sorts of people thinking they would 'make' out of the political situation when it was going to blow up - but they all found out that they were small fry in the big shark's tank so looked after their own best interests - deals were done - and someone was always going to be thrown under the bus - eventually.

  • I too have been "thrown under the bus" for the benefit of the police media and now the appeal courts. It was all fake news from a scam website 

Reply Children
  • I am the only UK person EVER to have been convicted for following my doctor and samaritans advice.

    We both know that statement is an incredible distortion of the actual events.

    You tangled with the wrong people while you were digging around on the dark web and you were playing big financial companies - it was ALWAYS going to go to court - and you were ALWAYS going to lose.    

    You seem to suffer from an ego that thinks you are infallible so anything bad that happens *must* be someone else's fault - but it isn't - and you continue to throw yourself under the bus..

  • It should never have gone to court. The main charge was ridiculous and based in inadmissible evidence from a fake website. I am the only UK person EVER to have been convicted for following my doctor and samaritans advice.

    The police were just after my money and knew that the charge was not justified.

    If I dont survive then at least this will provide some evidence of my thinking

  • Dave, you continue to throw yourself under the bus - you played the game and lost - the same as almost everyone else does in the same situation - heads they win, tails you lose.   Raking over *your* perceived injustice won't change a thing - surely losing the appeal after so many years and you trying to convince yourself of your re-writing of your own history is God's way of telling you to move on.   

    It's why the court system is so expensive - there's always going to be a loser - and it's NEVER going to be them.