Chatroom, Games, and Support room / Discord server "ASDirect"

just to indicate that there are many other autism related discord servers which have the following features

  • Questionaiire recruitment process
  • many users from around the world
  • multi layer moderation, admin, and friendly help
  • many roles 30+
  • many rooms
  • Support for emotions and issues

summary front page

invite link

chat example screen

  • nope, its no good at all lmao just got banned from it.... for.... i dont even know what? lmao i was pretty tame and held back seeing as most of my topics i like they have banned by server rules lol


    Ok so I don't know if you're just in a habit of self-destruction or you're trolling or you actually mean what you say or whatever layer in-between, but this is beyond a level we can help with. Please seek serious, professional rehabillitation."
  • also everything is banned under the political ban because everything is politics..... talk about elon musk? thats politics.... talk about living conditions? .. politics.... hows life? .,...that politics... LGBT agenda though? perfectly fine, thats totally not political at all! lmao

  • also everything is banned under the political ban because everything is politics..... talk about elon musk? thats politics.... talk about living conditions? .. politics.... hows life? .,...that politics... LGBT agenda though? perfectly fine, thats totally not political at all! lmao

  • funny thing is i didnt even say anything bad but i could have done many times, i was very held back and controlled there and stuck to their rules precisely so if he thinks i was somehow bad and self destructive then he doesnt even understand much about the community he claims to represent given how held back i was, oh god they wouldnt have liked me not holding back then lmao. tryna friend the guy that banned me for him to be a bit more specific on why he banned me but i guess he will just ignore me and not give a exact reason or be more clear. all in all i guess the server is run by unprofessional Americans who have no idea about anything and have no place running such a server if they have no tolerance for the people they claim to be there for. yet another place that is supposed to be for us but yet has been taken over by the overbearing fake LGBT attention seeking crowd. dont they have enough spaces of their own now? why cant we have our spaces? why must we be the ones excluded when they have enough spaces for themselves now?

  • You are based you are not again the LGBT propaganda being pushed down our throats to turn us into genetic freaks.

  • You sound surprised   Smiley