weirdest food competition

just reply with any real weird food combinations or habits

lets see who is the weirdiest !

  • Greetings... For "weird" -- I Myself find that if the food says that it is 'already cooked' but just needs to be "heated up", then I can often not bother with heating it & will eat it as it is. 

    For "less weird" (except nowadays?) -- I also used to go "Berry Picking", and will eat 'wild foods' also, and it would be nice to know of anyone else who does/did that. E.g. Blackberries, Apple Blossom, Elderberries... straight off the Tree. (Selected carefully & Picked high from the Ground & away from Roadsides, though. (GuideBooks are available about such Adventures!))

    'Bye for now.  Slight smile

  • In the 1980s and 90s we used go Bilberry picking on the Otley Chevin with groups of Poles and Ukrainians.

    We made Bilberry wine, other people made pies and other recipes.

Reply Children
  • ...Just a reply to say - Thank You Kindly, for That reply. Slight smile

    ( I think It is bad that People are not really *officially* educated as to where their food comes from & how it is made. Rose Hips, Dandelion Tea, "Noble Rot" (!), Elderflower Cordials... that sort of thing. But, well, that is how it is. Thanks again, Sir. )