weirdest food competition

just reply with any real weird food combinations or habits

lets see who is the weirdiest !

  • My time to shine!

    I often eat bread without anything on.  Now that may not be strange in itself, but it's how I eat it.  I'll cut the crusts off, and eat the top/bottom and then the sides in that order.  Then I'll pack the remainder of the slice into a ball and eat that.

  • This brings back memories, once again about my late mother and how she insisted that all cakes must be dry with no cream.

    Back to the M&S cafe incident in the 1950s, the other lady also bought her some cake with the coffee.  While the other women was in the powder room, my mother scraped all the cream off the cake with her hankie and hid it in her handbag, and just ate the dry cake.

    On a more serious note these food and cooking obsessions/phobias affected our entire family.  When I was in my thirties I discovered by accident that I started school very late, my mother gave me a whole list of excuses why I was kept away from school, one was, that by keeping me at home, she was protecting me from school dinners and other people's cooking.

  • OMG ! yea that is really serious !

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