weirdest food competition

just reply with any real weird food combinations or habits

lets see who is the weirdiest !

  • I previously mentioned my late mother.  Who insisted on food being exactly how she wanted.  No compromises.

    • Tea bags had to be rectangular.  I once bought round tea bags, whole packet of 80 went into the bin.
    • Milk going into coffee had to be boiled.  I once put unboiled milk into her coffee.  She poured it down the kitchen sink.
    • Milk had to be the gold top, channel island extra fat, not homogeneous.  And only 1 litre bottles because once it's opened it starts to go off. (Even in a fridge).  My sister once offered to do the shopping, we told her that we wanted TWO 1 litre bottles of the gold top channel island milk.  She bought us, ONE 2 litre bottle of standard supermarket own brand milk.  The whole bottle was again poured down the sink.
  • There was and still can be, a lot of perfectionism around health food for me. I'm learning it's totally ok to eat comfort food and have a balance. It can help me emotionally. 

Reply Children
  • thats very extreme she clearly had issues which limited her live and effected yours as well. This is one way a diagnosis can wake up families to the presence of an issue. 

  • My mother's coffee habits led to other social consequences. 

    She/I/we as a family were increasingly socially isolated.

    She had very few visitors at home because she refused to visit other people's home.

    My sister kept inviting us to visit her at Christmas. My mother refused,  after I had  a long argument with her,  she eventually confessed why she wouldn't go.  It was about the coffee.  On a previous visit my sister, being hospitable,  had made a cup of coffee for her.  My mother claimed that it was so disgusting,  that when no one was looking she poured it into a nearby plant pot.  And wanted to know what to do if she wasn't sitting near a plant pot this year, 'do I pour it down the back of the armchair? ', she asked me.

    She also told me other anecdotes,  how she was once invited to the M & S cafe around 40 years earlier.  How horrible it was,  when the woman who invited her went to the toilet,  my mother switched her coffee with an empty cup from another table,  so it would look as if she had drank it.