Anyone with interoceptive hypersensitivity?

Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone has experience of this - it's basically being overly aware of your bodies needs - even if you don't know how to deal with them - hunger, thirst, hot cold etc.  I'm trying to read into it but most sites are aimed at treating children and limit interoception to being aware of your own heartbeat - when it's much more complicated than that.

Basically, not being able to shut my body up, or ignore it's discomforts is the main source of my meltdowns/ shutdowns and I need to learn how to manage it, but there appear to be very few resources that will help.

Does anyone else have similar issues - if so, do you have coping mechanisms?  Are there any good sites out there that look at the adult experience?

I'm just very frustrated that I've pinpointed a core issue, and seem to have no access to learn how to deal with it!

I have other sensory processing issues, but they fade into insignificance compared to interoception.  The only time I get a break is when I'm immersed in research (which is rare, as I run a household and have a full time job) or asleep.

  • I'm also finding myself looking this up and have certainly looked it up and read about it in the past. I really wish it was easier to access firsthand autistic perspectives and conversations on this -- I don't know if people on this thread get notifications somewhere when someone responds, but I'd be really interested in trying to set up a live discussion of some sort for this.

    I definitely have hypersensitive interoception and the thing that feels the most frustrating about it is the health anxiety I experience. Am I sick? Do I need to stay home from work? Do I need to see a doctor? Do I have chronic illnesses I don't know about? Am I dying? I feel every shift in my body at all times, every pain, and it makes it incredibly hard to tell what to pay attention to and what not. I don't exactly have hypochondria, because upon looking something up and seeing not every symptom align, I stop paying attention, but I do find myself constantly worrying and wondering if something is an early sign of something else. It makes me so frustrated going to doctors and not knowing how to explain what I'm experiencing and never having blood tests reveal something, because things so clearly feel wrong on a daily basis. I don't feel like I can trust what my body tells me because every single thing that happens within it is so loud and apparent. 

  • I have the same problem health wise. Doctor's never take me seriously, especially when a test comes back negative.

    This has lead me to not seek medical help sometimes causing me ongoing issues.

    I shouldn't have to fight to be believed

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