Wild Camping?

I am currently going through an episode of agoraphobia which started before the COVID19 outbreak and the virus has only made it worse BUT I am starting to do some exposure therapy techniques and slowly introduce the idea of leaving my house. 

I always loved camping as a child and would frequently set up camp and do bush crafting out in my mums garden. It was deffo a hyperfixation for me. I have recently rekindled that hyperfixation and I have a real want and need to get back into it.  

I would really love to go on a nice hike and do some wild camping as an end goal for my exposure therapy. 

But for the time being, I am going to start camping in the garden again, like I did as a child. Taking baby steps at first, going out there for an hour and if I feel like staying out there then I can, but if I want to come in, then that's fine too. But I have to make it the whole hour at least. Then gradually over time, increase the cut off time until overnights is possible, then bump it up to spending the weekend in my little campsite. 

My question is, does anyone else have a hyperfixation with camping? Wild camping experience? Do you think it would be cool if a wild camp / hike trip was organized so a small group of auties could get together and bond over the love of camping and being autistic haha. Because that would be something I would be interested in once I am out of this episode haha. 

  • I love your plan to camp in the garden. It sounds a simple joy. Why need big ones? And I love that you're reconnecting with childhood passions. If only we could all retain our childlike innocence. And good on you for tackling your agraphobia! And accepting babysteps.

    yeah, i like camping and lost my connection to it and i've been trying to reconnect this past two years. And i'm hoping to reconnect with wild camping. I'm a bit daunted, but will get there. I had a plan but then lockdown happened ...

  • Thank you so much ^_^ I think its got something to do with my diagnosis. Its really foggy for me to remember a time when I wasn't masking and performing a personality/character. But I remember camping as a kid and I remember the quietness and how it made me feel relaxed. So now that I have my diagnosis, I kinda wonna try just doing some of the things I enjoyed as a kid while I figure out who I am, what my unmasked self looks like. I think it'll be really good for me. 

    Maybe try wild camping with a friend first? Build up your confidence? I really want to do solo wild camping but that goal is so beyond the point I am at now haha I try not to think about it. 

    Well hopefully by the time I am out of this episode, lockdown and covid would of calmed down a bit? 

  • Yes, i was gonna wild camp this weekend coming with a friend, but lockdown ... .

    and similarly, i've been thinking about what worked for me as a kid and exploring redeveloping those joys

  • I really truly LAUGHED OUT LOUD

  • gay - yes seen in army. they add humour sometimes when things are really down eg kenneth williams so critical for morale and humour

    pacifist - yes stretcher bearers WW1/2 who won medals

    vegan - now allowed in army ( depends on your rank )

    uncoordinated and confused  --- that is removed entirely by training

    mute ---- always handy in an ambush better than someone talking. use hand signals.

    noise of gun first time scares u

    second time less then

    around 10th shot u get a kick which grows and grows

    and sometimes , someone will have to jump on u to stop u shooting

    humans are truly weird


  • LOL, well apart from being gay, autistic, a pacifict, vegan, uncordinated, confused and mute in most groups groups, could never cope with the noise of a gun, but yeah, courses give me structure so def the right path for me.

  • thats so the correct path u'll be in the Marines next Slight smile

  • Yeah i find it hard to navigate at times, but that doesn't matter cos I'm really glad to have it. It's been really validating for me, and helped me identify traits I didn't realise I have, and learn about them. Overall I'm so much more happy with myself these past few months.

    I bought a book about Wild Camping, that inspired me a bit. I think the main thing is to practice with your kit at home, eg tent, sleeping bag, mat, etc. And like I said, you don't need to go more than 100m from your door to have an adventure and feel nature.

    I saw there's a 2 day course on wild camping in the lakes for £125. But i'm going to try and do it without spending money. I've also signed up to train as a Mountain Leader. Not to be a Mountain Leader, but as motivation to get out and learn the skills. An autistic friend of mine did it and passed.

    Thinking about getting into the outdoors more has made me really happy and I'm looking forward to small quiet adventures of being at peace in the dark. If i could camp in my garden i'd be out there!

  • Cheers both for the messaging advice! And good to know it's being worked on.

  • i need to warn you there currently is a defect.

    after about 3 messages each you cant see any more.

    the work around. 

    each person immediately deletes their old messages and refreshes their page

    that way you can continue to PM someone

    I used, to use it quite a bit, and it was quite good then. The developer are currently working to get this fixed ASAP.

  • Oooo! I have found out how you send private messages. Go to your profile and scroll down to your friends and under their profile picture it says "connect" click that and it should open a little command bit with "send private message" "unfollow" "unfriend". Just click the "send private message and it should take you to the page.

  • Yeah this site is a bit hard to navigate haha. All I said was I would love to talk with you about camping some more haha. I would loooove to go to The Lake District. It looks like such a lovely place to wild camp. 

    Deffo will make that a goal to reach at some point, but for now I am just gonna stick to the south east so I am not too far from home. I hear Suffolk has some nice areas to wild camp?

  • Yeah this site is a bit hard to navigate haha. All I said was I would love to talk with you about camping some more haha. I would loooove to go to The Lake District. It looks like such a lovely place to wild camp. 

    Deffo will make that a goal to reach at some point, but for now I am just gonna stick to the south east so I am not too far from home. I hear Suffolk has some nice areas to wild camp?

  • I really truly LAUGHED OUT LOUD

  • gay - yes seen in army. they add humour sometimes when things are really down eg kenneth williams so critical for morale and humour

    pacifist - yes stretcher bearers WW1/2 who won medals

    vegan - now allowed in army ( depends on your rank )

    uncoordinated and confused  --- that is removed entirely by training

    mute ---- always handy in an ambush better than someone talking. use hand signals.

    noise of gun first time scares u

    second time less then

    around 10th shot u get a kick which grows and grows

    and sometimes , someone will have to jump on u to stop u shooting

    humans are truly weird


  • LOL, well apart from being gay, autistic, a pacifict, vegan, uncordinated, confused and mute in most groups groups, could never cope with the noise of a gun, but yeah, courses give me structure so def the right path for me.

  • thats so the correct path u'll be in the Marines next Slight smile

  • Yeah i find it hard to navigate at times, but that doesn't matter cos I'm really glad to have it. It's been really validating for me, and helped me identify traits I didn't realise I have, and learn about them. Overall I'm so much more happy with myself these past few months.

    I bought a book about Wild Camping, that inspired me a bit. I think the main thing is to practice with your kit at home, eg tent, sleeping bag, mat, etc. And like I said, you don't need to go more than 100m from your door to have an adventure and feel nature.

    I saw there's a 2 day course on wild camping in the lakes for £125. But i'm going to try and do it without spending money. I've also signed up to train as a Mountain Leader. Not to be a Mountain Leader, but as motivation to get out and learn the skills. An autistic friend of mine did it and passed.

    Thinking about getting into the outdoors more has made me really happy and I'm looking forward to small quiet adventures of being at peace in the dark. If i could camp in my garden i'd be out there!

  • Cheers both for the messaging advice! And good to know it's being worked on.

  • i need to warn you there currently is a defect.

    after about 3 messages each you cant see any more.

    the work around. 

    each person immediately deletes their old messages and refreshes their page

    that way you can continue to PM someone

    I used, to use it quite a bit, and it was quite good then. The developer are currently working to get this fixed ASAP.

  • Oooo! I have found out how you send private messages. Go to your profile and scroll down to your friends and under their profile picture it says "connect" click that and it should open a little command bit with "send private message" "unfollow" "unfriend". Just click the "send private message and it should take you to the page.