Wild Camping?

I am currently going through an episode of agoraphobia which started before the COVID19 outbreak and the virus has only made it worse BUT I am starting to do some exposure therapy techniques and slowly introduce the idea of leaving my house. 

I always loved camping as a child and would frequently set up camp and do bush crafting out in my mums garden. It was deffo a hyperfixation for me. I have recently rekindled that hyperfixation and I have a real want and need to get back into it.  

I would really love to go on a nice hike and do some wild camping as an end goal for my exposure therapy. 

But for the time being, I am going to start camping in the garden again, like I did as a child. Taking baby steps at first, going out there for an hour and if I feel like staying out there then I can, but if I want to come in, then that's fine too. But I have to make it the whole hour at least. Then gradually over time, increase the cut off time until overnights is possible, then bump it up to spending the weekend in my little campsite. 

My question is, does anyone else have a hyperfixation with camping? Wild camping experience? Do you think it would be cool if a wild camp / hike trip was organized so a small group of auties could get together and bond over the love of camping and being autistic haha. Because that would be something I would be interested in once I am out of this episode haha. 

  • I am proud of you in attempting to conquer your fears and yes I think this would be a cool idea for a short camping / hiking trip

    when i was at school i was on the dofe award scheme which was enjoyable though personally i hate large groups of people and meeting new people so I'm almost a complete recluse now 

    I'm also sufferer of mild Thalassophobia as well but when you have your victory over your episode of Agoraphobia I would be willing to attempt my own little victory as well 

    now are there any takers amongst the rest of our community that would be willing and able to participate hopefully yes 

  • I am proud of you in attempting to conquer your fears and yes I think this would be a cool idea for a short camping / hiking trip

    when i was at school i was on the dofe award scheme which was enjoyable though personally i hate large groups of people and meeting new people so I'm almost a complete recluse now 

    I'm also sufferer of mild Thalassophobia as well but when you have your victory over your episode of Agoraphobia I would be willing to attempt my own little victory as well 

    now are there any takers amongst the rest of our community that would be willing and able to participate hopefully yes 

  • Thank you ^_^ I am really proud of myself too. 

    Totally get you, I am very much a recluse haha. I have no friend group, relationship, anything other than immediate family. Even then, I stick to my two rooms (office and bedroom) and am mostly alone all day. When my sleeping pattern is screwed, I dont see anyone at all because I am awake when everyones asleep. Haha Bliss. 

    I'm not a fan of the sea either. The thought that we have only explored 5% of the worlds oceans is terrifying to me. I like baths, pools, showers and rain. But big open bodies of water with no idea what lies beneath... no thank yooooou!