
  1. Hi am Sophie 

I am 24 

6.montbs a go I was told I have Austism I just been turn down for pip I think it is unfair can anyone have some advice if they got turn down for pip what was your next steps 

Thank you


  • Hi sophie,

    I am in the same situation as you at the moment i have been turned down for PIP and i am now in a mandatory reconsideration with the support and help of welfare Rights. 

    I suggest you contact you local authority and get adult social services involved to sign post you to welfare rights because they will help you fill out the form correctly and assist the claim for personal Independence Payments. 

    Sophie in order to claim Personal Independence Payment successfully you need an actual diagnosis of autism and other medical evidence support your claim. without the diagnosis of your issues and the comorbid conditions of autism like sensory processing disorder. Attention Deficit Disorder, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and mental health issues they will not accept in your claim. My issue is i have my autism diagnosis but have been waiting several years now for my sensory processing disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder and other specific learning condition assessed, diagnosed and statmentented and repeated issues with my doctors surgery and places they have referred me to such as Children and adolescent Mental Health service which cancel my referrals unfairly or cancel appointment at the last minute. 


  • Let me know how it goes @Blue? Only because I've been denied once, now I have my ASD diagnosis & I'm going back for "another go". Another go, at fairness, for a society that made me feel like a freak & now, should pay the penalty of helping me. C**ts.

  • Let me know how it goes @Blue? Only because I've been denied once, now I have my ASD diagnosis & I'm going back for "another go". Another go, at fairness, for a society that made me feel like a freak & now, should pay the penalty of helping me. C**ts.

  • Hi Matic319

    Just wanted to share what welfare Rights have told me about why Autism and Personal Independence Payments.

    One of the major reasons people with Autism are being denied personal Independence Payments is because the majority of adult autism assessment service only diagnosis and statement the Autism Spectrum Disorder and do not statement and assess the any comorbid condition such as sensory processing disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder and other specific learning condition you may have. this is the reason you score so low on the point based system because unless you have the diagnosis of the comorbidities they don't accept what you have said to the during an assessment or what you write in the personal Independence Payments form to gain the necessary points.

    Another issues with Personal Independence Payments is that assessor has to interpret what you say to them and write in paper which enabled them to not understand the underlying issues or allows the assessor to choose not to write down and keep information they feel is irrelevant out of the decision making. This also allow the decision maker to choose how they interpret the information about autism which is a problem because the outdated sources of information they use or incorrectly interpret the website information.    

    Also its recommended that i install a phone conversation recorder application on my phone as the assessor have a tendency to use the autism as mental impairment or accuse you of lying during a phone assessment.