
  • Hi I’m a mom with a son 26 with Aspergers. He is out of work does some volunteering a few hours a week at a charity shop but apart from that very rarely goes out.  He seems to get very frustrated wiCry everything including us and gets aggressive at times  it feels like we tread on eggshells so not to upset him. Don’t know what we can do going forward. Think my son would be happier with his own plCrye but can’t see how this could happen Cry
  • You need to contact you local authority and speak to social services welfare rights department. They will sign post you and arrange  for local housing authority which will help your son find a suitable housing situation, it could be ordinary flat, it could be a self contained apartment in a autism friendly community, support living housing it depend on the housing assessment. It doesn't happen automatically and they may be waiting time ranging from 6 months to a year possible longer. Welfare rights should be able to support your son and help him apply for the right benefits and even support his claim for personal independence payment if he qualifies or any benefits reconsiderations. Some local authority have employment schemes to help individuals find sustainable employment that he may benefit from but because of Covid-19 everything seems to be suspended and taking longer.                 

  • You need to contact you local authority and speak to social services welfare rights department. They will sign post you and arrange  for local housing authority which will help your son find a suitable housing situation, it could be ordinary flat, it could be a self contained apartment in a autism friendly community, support living housing it depend on the housing assessment. It doesn't happen automatically and they may be waiting time ranging from 6 months to a year possible longer. Welfare rights should be able to support your son and help him apply for the right benefits and even support his claim for personal independence payment if he qualifies or any benefits reconsiderations. Some local authority have employment schemes to help individuals find sustainable employment that he may benefit from but because of Covid-19 everything seems to be suspended and taking longer.                 
