Any Americans or Expats living in the US?

Hi, we have the chance of moving to California in the next 3-6 months and I am wondering what the US attitude towards aspies is and getting employment?

Don’t want to put too much detail in case there is nobody here.

  • The country is quite corrupt. Fruit and vegetables are taxed really highly there while junk food is subsidised. So you have a surreal situation where families might eat out at McDonald's 3-4 times a week but can't afford to eat apples and broccoli. No wonder so many of them are unhealthy. Personally I wouldn't fancy it. 

  • Not really - you can't really think of the US as one country - it's like a bunch of similar but very different countries sharing a common language & currency.  Some states are much cheaper to live in than others.

    You can eat perfectly healthily if you want to - but huge steaks, pizzas and burgers are so cheap that lots of people lack any kind of self control.       We go there a lot - and the Golden Corral breakfasts are awesome in every way.     

    It's a very young country - the old 50s/60s cowboy films are almost documentaries - that whole cowboy period only really fizzled out in the 1920s.       That's why it just doesn't have the history and infrastructure to have all the nice things we have here like the NHS - people just don't understand the size of the country and the population density variation make some things crazy expensive but other things really cheap.    It's why their cars are the way they are - a trip to the shops might be 100 miles so you need a comfy car with a huge boot to minimise the number of journeys - and a massive fridge at home for all the shopping.

    California is very different - millions of people in mega-cities but the climate there means it's easy to be homeless - you're not going to freeze to death!      It's why poor people go there in such huge numbers.

  • depends where u are, but in chicago the supermarkest had loads of really fresh fruit and not expensive.  I found their bread a bit dull, their milk not nice, their crisps boring, as a rule dont drink the tap water. 

    the oddest thing was how well I got on with americans compared to people here. I really clicked with Texans !

  • depends where u are, but in chicago the supermarkest had loads of really fresh fruit and not expensive.  I found their bread a bit dull, their milk not nice, their crisps boring, as a rule dont drink the tap water. 

    the oddest thing was how well I got on with americans compared to people here. I really clicked with Texans !

  • not sure there are pluses and minuses.  I lived in Chicago for a year and been there for periods of months before,,,,,,, but my accommodation was totally taken care of by my company as was my car so it was not the full experience. At night in Chicago you could hear gun fire at the weekends sometimes which  was alarming but thats Chicago. The USA is massive, each state has its own laws and medical stufff and Taxes. The USA is incredibly beautiful.

    If I won a million quid I would buy a motorcycle and ride across it. Followed by Canada Slight smile

    Go to Calfornia if you can,,, you can always come back if you dont like it.  I dont know if u have kids, wife, dog, parents, anything. Leaving your family behind is really hard.  


  • Would you live there adie? Or did you?