When your autistic diagnosis isn't enough to qualify you for a disability discount at the gym!

Like many people who have been shielding during the pandemic, eating too much and not getting enough exercise I have been thinking about joining a local gym as they've started to re-open. There is one that has concessionary fees which includes a discounted rate for having a disability, but to be eligible you must have one of the following:

PIP (Personal Independence Payment)

Disability Working Allowance for over 60s

Employment & Support Allowance

Disability Living Allowance

Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit

Disabled Person’s Tax Credit

Blue Badge (parking)

I don't have any of these at this stage and they don't count your diagnosis letter as evidence, has anyone else been in this or a similar situation where official bodies don't recognise Autistic people has having a disability? Also, have any organisations that represent Autistic people done anything about it? 


  • Is it not more that,  you need to be on a certain benenfit to qualify rather than having a disability?  (Many places give concessions for those who are claiming benefits and so are on reduced income - this could be for those with disabilities or those without).

  • Probably true, I don't know enough about it. My main point is that I don't think the diagnosis is anything more than that - a report which diagnoses your condition. It isn't a certificate to claim certain rights or benefits. But also, each diagnosis is different so I would not require the assistance that others might.

  • Probably true, I don't know enough about it. My main point is that I don't think the diagnosis is anything more than that - a report which diagnoses your condition. It isn't a certificate to claim certain rights or benefits. But also, each diagnosis is different so I would not require the assistance that others might.
