Theory about greying hair and aspergers/autism

I have a theory that people with aspergers/high functioning autism are prone to going grey - follicly speaking - sooner than the average person. I have and I know a couple of other people like me who also have gone grey earlier than you'd typically expect.

Perhaps it's stress-related, or dealing with the constant anxiety. It's an admittedly small sample size! Any thoughts?

  • I've been bald since my early thirties, with just the classic 'horseshoe' which has long since turned white; I shave it off from time to time rather then pay a barber ten or twelve quid to do it.  My once black beard is also white and has been for decades. So the opening poster's theory certainly stands up in my case.

    Bald and Bearded Ben

  • I've been bald since my early thirties, with just the classic 'horseshoe' which has long since turned white; I shave it off from time to time rather then pay a barber ten or twelve quid to do it.  My once black beard is also white and has been for decades. So the opening poster's theory certainly stands up in my case.

    Bald and Bearded Ben

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