Theory about greying hair and aspergers/autism

I have a theory that people with aspergers/high functioning autism are prone to going grey - follicly speaking - sooner than the average person. I have and I know a couple of other people like me who also have gone grey earlier than you'd typically expect.

Perhaps it's stress-related, or dealing with the constant anxiety. It's an admittedly small sample size! Any thoughts?

  • If so, it runs in my family big time. ;-) But actually, white would be a better description in our case. We tend to white hair in our late twenties. And contrary to popular belief, it doesn't necessarily make you look older. I feel a bit like a Peter Pan most of the time. I suppose I should be glad about it really. But I should also continue to expect not to receive much respect. I feel not so much a senior, as a perpetual junior!I  It has its merits. I have heard it described as attractive/handsome, but definitely NOT in my case. For me it is more like a feature that automatically leads on to the label of strange.

    But I would also say that it is not entirely unknown amongst those who consider themselves quite normal. The thing about a spectrum  ..... condition ....., is that it all human experience is really a part of it. It could also be more of an indicator of stress and anxiety, as NM suggests. That certainly figures in my case.

  • White hair for sure both my grandfather (aod 98 and my father aod 59) both had white hair my brother 51 white hair and myself 56

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