Theory about greying hair and aspergers/autism

I have a theory that people with aspergers/high functioning autism are prone to going grey - follicly speaking - sooner than the average person. I have and I know a couple of other people like me who also have gone grey earlier than you'd typically expect.

Perhaps it's stress-related, or dealing with the constant anxiety. It's an admittedly small sample size! Any thoughts?

  • I kept my colour until I was in my fifties.  Their may be some sort of commonality between hair fading and going prematurely grey but not enough to prove any correlation.  It has also been said that red haired people are over represented in the autistic community as are those with a squint.  Once again, not enough to prove correlation but interesting.  

  • I think there may be a correlation, albeit this is a very small sample size based on the people I know and the comments here. I also squint too, and again I think there is a correlation because of known sensitivities to visual stimuli. You may mean there's no proof of a link, which I agree, there isn't yet, but it hasn't been researched (and there's far more important topics to exert our energy on!)

  • I think there may be a correlation, albeit this is a very small sample size based on the people I know and the comments here. I also squint too, and again I think there is a correlation because of known sensitivities to visual stimuli. You may mean there's no proof of a link, which I agree, there isn't yet, but it hasn't been researched (and there's far more important topics to exert our energy on!)

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