My Ethiopian flatbread is a-brewing

On Saturday I mixed teff flour and filtered water in a bowl, then put some clingfilm over it and pierced little holes in the top of the clingfilm to allow some air in. 

By tomorrow the fermentation that's happened from the wild yeasts in the air of the room feeding on the floury water should have produced something like a sourdough bread; but unlike sourdough, instead of needing kneading you take the clingfilm off, pour off the excess water at the top and use the remaining batter to fry in batches in a non-stick pan to make Ethiopian flatbreads.

I've never made them before and am looking forward. It's this kind of thing that keeps me going. I think I'll eat them with some dips and sauces. I'll let you all know how they turn out.

  • I just poured out the excess water and I took one big ladle of the liquidy batter left and poured it in a non-stick pan that I'd put a bit of olive oil in.

    I cooked it for a few minutes on a high heat then as I wasn't sure it was going to flip I put it under the grill to cook the top. That looked cooked after I pulled it out so I flipped it over and cooked the other side under the grill too as it looked like one or two spots were soggy. 

    The flatbread came out thick but was nice! It tastes sour, I added a bit of salt on the plate. I ended up not having it with anything this time because it was stressful making it as I wasn't experienced in it. I found the one flatbread really filling, it was surprising. Maybe it was partly because it's so hot today.

    Give it a try if you like that kind of thing. I'm going to put clingfilm over the rest of the bowl (without airholes this time) and keep it in the fridge to make more at another time.

  • I just poured out the excess water and I took one big ladle of the liquidy batter left and poured it in a non-stick pan that I'd put a bit of olive oil in.

    I cooked it for a few minutes on a high heat then as I wasn't sure it was going to flip I put it under the grill to cook the top. That looked cooked after I pulled it out so I flipped it over and cooked the other side under the grill too as it looked like one or two spots were soggy. 

    The flatbread came out thick but was nice! It tastes sour, I added a bit of salt on the plate. I ended up not having it with anything this time because it was stressful making it as I wasn't experienced in it. I found the one flatbread really filling, it was surprising. Maybe it was partly because it's so hot today.

    Give it a try if you like that kind of thing. I'm going to put clingfilm over the rest of the bowl (without airholes this time) and keep it in the fridge to make more at another time.
