Bad day

Today was a bad day. I went to the cemetery today to put flowers down and on my way back a police man and woman stopped me and accused me of going out without reason. I said it was to lay flowers for my step mother and they were so mean. Told me I was making it up and warned me not to do it again or I'd be fined. It caused me to feel panicked and stressed and I had trouble breathing. The police man laughed and said I was putting it on but I did actually faint and I think the police woman must have called me an abolance because when I woke up there were to doctor people giving me oxygen and hekping me to breathe again.

I have panic atrtacks often but todays was the worse one in ages. The police woman apologised to me after, she actually went with me to the hospital. It was nice she apologised but I still feel upset that all this happened because of their nastiness to begin with. I'm very ocd and since the day she was buried I have always put flowers down on my step mother's grave plot. Being in my car alone and speaking to no one at the graveyard is in no way causing people to get sick is it? They made me feel like I had done bad but I don't think so.

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