Do you need to take a parent to assessment to get a diagnosis

Hi everyone, so I spoke with my gp on the phone today and she asked me why I think I’m autistic and asked me some questions and said that’s autism down to a T (response to my answers) and has referred me for an assessment, question is I was in foster care all my life and put in several different foster homes, my mum has severe learning difficulties and we don’t get on (our personalities clash) and my dad sadly passed away 5 years ago and I’ve lost contact with most recent foster parents so In a years time I would of been with my partner a year and a half when the assessment should take place, will this be a problem as I won’t have anyone with me that knew me in my childhood? 

  • Hi Maisy, I was diagnosed last year, both my parents are dead, so the answer is no. My wife came with me, as she was the one who said I was just like our little boy George, he was diagnosed at 3 he is now 5,  this was in Surrey. Hope that helps

  • Hi Maisy, I was diagnosed last year, both my parents are dead, so the answer is no. My wife came with me, as she was the one who said I was just like our little boy George, he was diagnosed at 3 he is now 5,  this was in Surrey. Hope that helps
