
How do you deal with loneliness? I spend most of my time alone. I want to be alone because I can’t handle too much but I actually miss people. This is without the lockdown.

  • I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. I find that my hobbies and walking my dog, having pets, really helps. Watching movies, listening to music, watching funny bits and pieces on YouTube helps too. I think we all need to get outside in nature, for our mental health’s sake, and even if just joining a fun yoga or fitness class, or maybe having a cinema night with friends(maybe via joining an autism meet-up group), or creating one yourself, once the world is doing better health-wise, it might help. I too need lots of time to myself, but I make sure I go to the cinema and eat out from time to time. I make sure I visit art galleries and museums and castles(many are free), or create a blog where you can record your thoughts etc and share with others, just as you can here... Just being out in the world, among people, even if you’re not really with anyone you’re close to, can help make you less “shut-in”. The last thing you want is to become too used to being in the safe haven of “home” for too long, as many of us wind up becoming agoraphobic or agoraphobic-like if this goes on for too long. Sometimes, we need to push ourselves outside of the comfort zone a little, in order to safeguard our health, if you know what I mean.

  • I pushed myself outside my comfort zone last year in order to meet people I put music in headphones to deal with people I don't know on the bus.  I ended up nearly having a breakdown went all hyper and lost 7lbs in weight going to gym running and lifting weights.  Then I told this guy I loved him at work because I was obsessed by him  and ever since I have given up everything I liked doing although he says loves me every day it is constant torture I have broken it off with him at least 7 times shout at him have hysterics 

  • I pushed myself outside my comfort zone last year in order to meet people I put music in headphones to deal with people I don't know on the bus.  I ended up nearly having a breakdown went all hyper and lost 7lbs in weight going to gym running and lifting weights.  Then I told this guy I loved him at work because I was obsessed by him  and ever since I have given up everything I liked doing although he says loves me every day it is constant torture I have broken it off with him at least 7 times shout at him have hysterics 

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