A dump of information before my head explodes - the nonsense of covid

Hi all

All through this pandemic I've been stressed as I cant figure out why people do the things that they do or why things are happening the way they are as they dont make sense.

For example in our town -I was told 'we think you have the virus but we're only testing people who have been to Italy or classed as vulnerable. your lungs are strong, you can fight it (i was having really bad trouble breathing and the paramedic checked my lungs etc - said not guaranteed i have it but im like the others hes seen with it)

The pharmacy, knowing the whole household was now under quarantine for suspected covid told me to collect my own inhalors (I couldnt breath and they were labelled urgent). They said I should collect myself or go without (she was quite rude) as their trying to protect vulnerable people. In my mind. if I go into the pharmacy I could spread it and the vulnerable people would catch it either in the pharmacy or through the delivery driver from a colleague so I couldnt handle that as in my head theres rule breaking and its nonsensical

Currently people are having daily bonfires burning all sorts, Im 5 weeks in since the start of the virus and was now told I can safely go outside, the daily bonfires, Im sure are whats made my breathing worse. I spoke to a neighbour about her dad as he didnt look good, he has COPD hes having trouble breathing plus 2 others in the road. I contacted the council and they say bonfires arent illeagal. I explain but th virus causes breathing issues and we are all stuck at home can they put a temporary ban. Their reply is no. - I read online a few days later that counties are making a temporary ban but not ours.

Our council is proposing the whole town celebrates ve day by having a bbq in their gardens! great more air pollution. I message them explaining and asking can they reconsider. They replied no as its a one off event and BBQ's are a good way to celebrate summer! 

My breathing is deteriorating again so Ive called the doctor for advice. Because of the BBQs, Im now put on the vulnerable list! I have to stay in until June, so no more trying to walk a little distance to build my lungs up. To me its because of the selfish people in the town and the useless council Im now locked down and I am angry

The UKs herd immunity rubbish, I didnt agree with it back then and said it wont work and look what happened. Its the reason I caught the virus. 

I wasent on the vulnerable list whilst contagious and have no family, I was told I had to go out to buy food! again I would be flouting the whole point of staying home! I managed on what we had as I couldnt get slots online and when i did manage a slot i was told its all out of stock! I tried contacting the supermarkets but again i wasent vulnerable so fell in a grey area lol

Our town are clearing out their houses and people are collecting clothing, toys, furniture from each others homes after adding to facebook

Their saying the virus stays on hard surfaces for upto 72 hours but they also say letters and parcels arent an issue?

I dont like nonense and the whole disaster is nonsense to me

The way things are we may as well go back to normal as no ones taking it seriously at all their just making it worse for those who are ill and need to recover.

  • Hi mouse2

    Sorry to hear you've been unwell and hope you will feel better soon.

    I understand your frustration with the lack of sense in this situation - I've been feeling the same way.

    The virus is an unknown and there are different "experts" saying different things. Generally non autistic people adopt the views and actions of whoever is the leader of their social group, which minimises friction. However there are many different "leaders"within society - from the Prime Minister to the boss in a workplace, to the head of a family unit or the "alpha" male (or female) of a group of friends. Differing opinions are difficult for NTs too, but they choose which "leader" to emulate and their brain then filters out differing ideas so they don't all keep jostling for attention (like they do in my brain!) Of course, the opinions of a few different "leaders" can be absorbed if they don't clash, so they will happily have a barbeque in their own garden as suggested by the council because that hasn't been "banned" by the government (although I agree it's thoughtless and smoke really affects me too, even though I don't have breathing problems)

    The PM initially followed the advice of the science "experts" that lockdown wasn't required, but then changed that due to pressure from leaders of EU countries and I believe concern that it would look bad if too many people died or were hospitalised and the NHS could not cope. But others will die due to poverty and stress if it continues too long.

    Unfortunately we will have to live with this virus. We cannot keep healthy people at home not working because we need people to pay taxes to pay for the NHS and care homes. The media are much to blame for whipping up hysteria. We need to ensure the vulnerable are protected and get others back to normal. 

    End the lockdown. Save the economy. Save lives.

  • The media are much to blame for whipping up hysteria. We need to ensure the vulnerable are protected and get others back to normal. 

    Absolutely - There seems to be many games being played all in parallel.    (oil, politics, globalism, forced socialism, removing our rights etc.)       It seems crazy to lock down millions of the healthy when we should really just be protecting the vulnerable.      As far as I am aware, the vast majority of people have little or no symptoms with the WuFlu so it would seem more sensible to have something like the old chicken-pox parties to get it over and done with among the healthy to minimise the length of time the vulnerable have to be cooped up.

    I think the governments realise they have been conned by the Gates Foundation 'experts' and they are now just playing along to save face or taking advantage of the opportunity to hide a recession in plain sight.    It's lucky this has all happened during a period of nice weather so the selfish NTs are happy skiving off work to sit in their gardens or the government couldn't have kept control.  <RANT/>.

  • Hi Plastic

    Don't worry about the "RANT", it's totally understandable and it's good to hear someone else agreeing with my thoughts.

    Mouse2 said:

    "As for the NT in my village I have to remember that the general attitude is that if their okay no one else matters and they can do as they please. It's a sad state of affairs"

    The reason they act this way is that they lack emotional empathy. They have cognitive empathy - knowing how another person feels and what they might be thinking. It's detached, non emotional and can be used to gain advantage over others. They can also experience compassionate empathy, where they are moved to help or take action - such as people becoming doctors or nurses, which is a good thing. But I believe this would also be what prompts other people to "clap for carers" and paint rainbows on their fences. They can signal "we know, we are all in this together" while not actually feeling anything, or only feeling it briefly. Attrition of feelings is common among NTs - it is a trait which stops them becoming emotionally overwhelmed. But we are more likely to experience emotional empathy - actually feeling the emotions of another - which is difficult for us to switch off and can be overwhelming. We also tend to analyse the situation more and see more of the detail, because we naturally have analytical minds, while NTs usually lack the focus required for this and so will  rely on the "social narrative" to know what their response should be.

    I think that the "social narrative" is starting to change though, or will shortly. As you said Plastic, some are quite happy to skive off work for a few weeks while getting paid. But that cannot last. Apart from the fact they will stop getting paid, NTs are social animals - they want to see their family and friends, go clubbing, go on holiday etc, and it's actually cruel to force them to stop doing this for any length of time. Just as it's cruel to impose a rapid change of all that is familiar, with no properly thought out guidance, consistency or idea when it might end or change again, onto us Aspies.

  • Hi Plastic

    Don't worry about the "RANT", it's totally understandable and it's good to hear someone else agreeing with my thoughts.

    Mouse2 said:

    "As for the NT in my village I have to remember that the general attitude is that if their okay no one else matters and they can do as they please. It's a sad state of affairs"

    The reason they act this way is that they lack emotional empathy. They have cognitive empathy - knowing how another person feels and what they might be thinking. It's detached, non emotional and can be used to gain advantage over others. They can also experience compassionate empathy, where they are moved to help or take action - such as people becoming doctors or nurses, which is a good thing. But I believe this would also be what prompts other people to "clap for carers" and paint rainbows on their fences. They can signal "we know, we are all in this together" while not actually feeling anything, or only feeling it briefly. Attrition of feelings is common among NTs - it is a trait which stops them becoming emotionally overwhelmed. But we are more likely to experience emotional empathy - actually feeling the emotions of another - which is difficult for us to switch off and can be overwhelming. We also tend to analyse the situation more and see more of the detail, because we naturally have analytical minds, while NTs usually lack the focus required for this and so will  rely on the "social narrative" to know what their response should be.

    I think that the "social narrative" is starting to change though, or will shortly. As you said Plastic, some are quite happy to skive off work for a few weeks while getting paid. But that cannot last. Apart from the fact they will stop getting paid, NTs are social animals - they want to see their family and friends, go clubbing, go on holiday etc, and it's actually cruel to force them to stop doing this for any length of time. Just as it's cruel to impose a rapid change of all that is familiar, with no properly thought out guidance, consistency or idea when it might end or change again, onto us Aspies.

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