How is everyone coping with the current changes?

Like most with autism I dont like change and I am finding everything really overwhelming and was wondering how others were coping?

It may seem daft but I am not worried about catching it, well obviously I don’t want to catch it but I am not anxious and thinking that I am going to catch it. It’s the lockdown and lack of routine that is sending me mad. I have my set routines and now I have to stay in I cant follow my weekly routines and this is what is causing me the stress. I do feel like your going to think I am being selfish as all I have to do is stay at home and others are putting their lives at risk, I just cant snap out of it.

A few years ago I had bit of a breakdown when things changed too much and it made me really ill, I am worried this may happen again, I live on my own and am really considering ignoring all the rules and just getting out of here but I no that is wrong and I think the stress of breaking the rules would then cause me an issue.

maybe I am over reacting, what is everybody else doing to get through this?, anybody else struggling too?

  • I'm fed up with it all.

    The media hysteria - telling us every day how many deaths there have been and how many have been diagnosed. Pointless statistics when a) many who died had other health conditions and might have died anyway - who knows? b) they aren't testing everyone with symptoms so haven't a clue what the real infection rate is c) it's hospital admission rates that are important, as that's what needs to be controlled so there are beds for all who need them.

    The feeling that our autonomy,and freedom and control of our own lives is being taken away. As someone else said, I love it if I choose to take a day off work and stay home. Having it imposed on me with no choice and not knowing when it will end make me anxious. I am working from home and it has been really hard work as our office is set up to deal with most things in paper form, so I've had to make lots of adjustments and think up new ways to do things. I also don't like work getting mixed up with home life, I like them kept separate.

    The stupid slogans - "save the NHS, save lives," etc. The NHS can only be "saved" with money - which comes from taxes - which comes from fit and healthy people working. Of course there needs to be protection for the elderly and vulnerable and people who are ill should stay home, but these slogans make the world feel like a dystopian police state.

    The lack of clarification. What is essential exercise? Where can it be taken? What are essential purchases? Why are the police threatening to put up road blocks? The law states that any goods in a shop that is open can be bought. There is no law saying you can't drive as far as you like. 

    We are all going to get this virus eventually, just like the common cold. Most of us will not need hospitalisation. Locking us down for too long will cause unnecessary illness and misery. Let's hope we get news of a staggered return to normal soon.

  • I'm fed up with it all.

    The media hysteria - telling us every day how many deaths there have been and how many have been diagnosed. Pointless statistics when a) many who died had other health conditions and might have died anyway - who knows? b) they aren't testing everyone with symptoms so haven't a clue what the real infection rate is c) it's hospital admission rates that are important, as that's what needs to be controlled so there are beds for all who need them.

    The feeling that our autonomy,and freedom and control of our own lives is being taken away. As someone else said, I love it if I choose to take a day off work and stay home. Having it imposed on me with no choice and not knowing when it will end make me anxious. I am working from home and it has been really hard work as our office is set up to deal with most things in paper form, so I've had to make lots of adjustments and think up new ways to do things. I also don't like work getting mixed up with home life, I like them kept separate.

    The stupid slogans - "save the NHS, save lives," etc. The NHS can only be "saved" with money - which comes from taxes - which comes from fit and healthy people working. Of course there needs to be protection for the elderly and vulnerable and people who are ill should stay home, but these slogans make the world feel like a dystopian police state.

    The lack of clarification. What is essential exercise? Where can it be taken? What are essential purchases? Why are the police threatening to put up road blocks? The law states that any goods in a shop that is open can be bought. There is no law saying you can't drive as far as you like. 

    We are all going to get this virus eventually, just like the common cold. Most of us will not need hospitalisation. Locking us down for too long will cause unnecessary illness and misery. Let's hope we get news of a staggered return to normal soon.

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