Does anyone else view NT's as fake?..

I truly mean no offense by this...and its not a blanket statement....but ,for some reason, i see the mannerisms and speech of NT's as fundamentally a general sense...And i think its actually the ego im bothered by....And of course, i have ego also....but i think its displayed in a whole different way with Autism spectrum...

Ive only just got my finger on this...and not fully expounding, (not feeling physically great today) but i hope you all catch what im trying to say.

  • dunno, ive seen quite a few people on this site with major ego problems that eclipse anyone id ever have dreamed of tbh lol

    literally other day had a guy on here making out hes the smartest man in history and has nobel peace prizes and is super man and everyone else is trash compared to him and hes the single most greatest brain on the planet who all the world leader know him on a first name basis and praise him and say he should rule the world... so yeah, thats ego beyond anything i have ever even dreampt possible and that was from a person on this site lol so not entirely sure ego is a NT problem, but rather a problem of perception. the person drumming himself up like that perhaps didnt see how that sounded to others and that was a ND issue to not see how inappropriate and weird all that stuff sounded.

  • had a guy on here making out hes the smartest man in history and has nobel peace prizes

    Is that the guy that Deepthought and I tried to interact with?   The UN advisor / Nobel prize winner that was posting about trauma?

  • probably is, hes been mentioning his nobel prize on every thread he can see lol then claims to have humility on one thread was rather funny lol

    but then it got odd when you look into who got that prize in 2012 and no team got it at all... the EU got it for supposedly promoted peace just by their very existance.

  • dont think they deserved one tbh as they havent caused peace, the devastation of war caused peace as europe has been too crippled, and even now are not back to the strength we was.... britain had like 100 destroyers in ww2, we only now have like 6 and they cant leave port without leaking lol europe is dead, its death held it back and made it so it cant make any moves. devastation and destruction is thus the winner of that peace prize lol

    the next big peace will come when china and america cripple each other

  • So, we all can put Nobel Prize Winner on our CVs?! ;) 

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