Are you avoiding any group activity?

With the Coronavirus has anyone here stopped going to places such as support groups, classes etc.?

  • Today i will be setting up a gym in my house, also buying some gym equipment tomorrow, mostly weights and bars.  That plus cycling will keep the stress gremlins at bay.

    Shopping, well I was discussing it with my parents, I will only be shopping in the middle of the night and only on weekdays.  Most people dont shop at 3am, so the stores are empty for the most part, which makes it a good time to shop.  Throw in a mask and disposable gloves and then hose down any shopping you get with a bleach solution prior to putting it in the car and you should be fine.  I will also be doing bulk runs once a week.  If it gets really bad, I may move to online shopping and implement decon protocols upon delivery.  or I suppose go to Asda in full level 3 biohazard gear (and scare the crap out of people).  In fact I may do that anyway. Stuck out tongue

    All my hospital appointments were cancelled today, my doctors surgery no longer runs drop in clinics, the recpetionist gave me advice that I should essentially avoid the doctors surgery, going anywhere near a hospital and definitely large groups of people for the forseeable future.  Does anyone see the parallels between 28 days later and the world today?

  • Today i will be setting up a gym in my house, also buying some gym equipment tomorrow, mostly weights and bars.  That plus cycling will keep the stress gremlins at bay.

    Shopping, well I was discussing it with my parents, I will only be shopping in the middle of the night and only on weekdays.  Most people dont shop at 3am, so the stores are empty for the most part, which makes it a good time to shop.  Throw in a mask and disposable gloves and then hose down any shopping you get with a bleach solution prior to putting it in the car and you should be fine.  I will also be doing bulk runs once a week.  If it gets really bad, I may move to online shopping and implement decon protocols upon delivery.  or I suppose go to Asda in full level 3 biohazard gear (and scare the crap out of people).  In fact I may do that anyway. Stuck out tongue

    All my hospital appointments were cancelled today, my doctors surgery no longer runs drop in clinics, the recpetionist gave me advice that I should essentially avoid the doctors surgery, going anywhere near a hospital and definitely large groups of people for the forseeable future.  Does anyone see the parallels between 28 days later and the world today?

  • I like your gallows humour, thanks for making me grin.

  • Does anyone see the parallels between 28 days later and the world today?

    Not quite as apocalyptic as that for the current scare, but given that it's becoming a regular occurence (SARS, MERS, swine-flu, bird-flu, etc.), I do get the feeling that the human species is setting itself up for something really nastly somewhere along the line.

    So many impoverished people are now crowded together in cities across the world which have poor housing, sanitation, and healthcare; and air-travel has become unnecessarily (IMHO) ubiquitous, whether for business or for pleasure. I feel that it's about time we moved beyond reacting to each crisis as it occurs and look seriously at what systemic changes to our societies we could make to reduce the risk of something really devastating. Dealing with poverty, income-inequality, and world-trade systems which are so easily disrupted would be a good start, I think.

  • Does anyone see the parallels between 28 days later and the world today?

    In the film they were just angry, IRL the catalyst appears to be toilet paper.

    I've cleared a few things off my calendar, most annoying of which was an intervention appointment I'd been waiting on for several months, but besides that it's just business as usual for me.  Avoiding group situations is pretty much normal for me anyway.