Called Lazy...

So, the father of my boyfriend told my boyfriend today that i'm useless and that my sleeping habits have nothing to do with autism but being lazy.  So much for getting a diagnoses and aiming for acceptance ;) Well, anyway. I'm so called lazy cause i don't work... i don't get up early, i'm currently in a bad habit of sleeping til 1pm in the afternoon. I have NO energy left in my entire body... i am behind the computer almost all day or behind my PS4 in the sofa... I enjoy being at home cause i can relax as i have to deal with a lot of worries and thoughts in my head. Sometimes, i just FEEL that i can't do anything. I have to even force myself to take a bath or to even make a payment. I'm in a severe auti- burn out... for years now. I don't take medication as i'm scared of the side effects. I am just scared of everything ... but i hate being called ''lazy''...  My partner also has autism but less severe as he takes medicine... He used to be pretty much like me too in the past but due the medication he can function. He even has a job now... but his parents kinda forced him and they ignore his autism for the most part. Today they had a fight cause he did not want to help his dad with a task and they all blame it on me. They think he will become lazy too. It's partly true, cause its a very toxic relationship (not us as people but our concerns, and our autism, that i wrote in another post on here) So i can understand his lack of energy too and that he refuses to help his parents on occasions when he is tired. But i really can't take it, that i have a diagnoses now and that people STILL call me lazy..... and talk about my shortcomings. NOTHING has changed since my diagnoses, nothing! :( 

Are there people on here with similar problems?


  • my sleeping habits have nothing to do with autism

    Greetings. My reply, here, to Me, seems a bit risky... but I shall try it anyway (& then <> run away)...

    It is true that sleeping habits have little to do with Autism. My main point would be towards Your sleeping yet *still* feeling tired or unrefreshed...? This may indicate some other/"underlying" problem and so I would upon the safe side say very loudly: Go see Your GP and mention this.

    Sleep not restoring energy may indicate many things: Interrupted Sleep, Sleep Apnoea, Vitamin or Mineral defficiency, or unknown allergies - there are Websites which can suggest more expert information. (Type "sleep" + problems, or un-refreshing, or lack-of-energy, or "tired all the time"... things like that.)

    To close... I DO agree with the 'not taking Pills' as well. You need not take "sleeping pills", even if this is what a GP suggests, try to find some other remedy. Even certain Meditations or Exercises might help towards a better sleep.

    Also, have a go at doing something which is either really tiring or really hateful, just to get to know Yourself better. (!) My reason for saying this last part, is to identify what is just "lazy" and what is *truly* a problem or exhausting or an allergy... but be careful, of course! Good Luck (I always say.) But tell all of that (unrefreshing sleep) to a GP first.

  • my sleeping habits have nothing to do with autism

    Greetings. My reply, here, to Me, seems a bit risky... but I shall try it anyway (& then <> run away)...

    It is true that sleeping habits have little to do with Autism. My main point would be towards Your sleeping yet *still* feeling tired or unrefreshed...? This may indicate some other/"underlying" problem and so I would upon the safe side say very loudly: Go see Your GP and mention this.

    Sleep not restoring energy may indicate many things: Interrupted Sleep, Sleep Apnoea, Vitamin or Mineral defficiency, or unknown allergies - there are Websites which can suggest more expert information. (Type "sleep" + problems, or un-refreshing, or lack-of-energy, or "tired all the time"... things like that.)

    To close... I DO agree with the 'not taking Pills' as well. You need not take "sleeping pills", even if this is what a GP suggests, try to find some other remedy. Even certain Meditations or Exercises might help towards a better sleep.

    Also, have a go at doing something which is either really tiring or really hateful, just to get to know Yourself better. (!) My reason for saying this last part, is to identify what is just "lazy" and what is *truly* a problem or exhausting or an allergy... but be careful, of course! Good Luck (I always say.) But tell all of that (unrefreshing sleep) to a GP first.

  • ...A P.S. here... with Autism, remember that even "dealing with other person's intense emotions" can be "exhausting". But I focussed upon the "sleep not being refreshing" part. If You live in a "negative" environment, then that also might be a proper issue. But try to find things which make You feel happy, energetic, refreshed, etc. in life, and focus upon those.