How to deal with obsessions

Hi everyone 

I was wondering if anyone else experiences this , but I find that I can get obsessed with something very easily , for example if I like an idea then I will think obsessively about how to go about it , research it etc. I find I have multiple obsessions at the same time which are constantly going round in my head which makes me exhausted, trying to figure out how to do my obsessions , for example planning a trip away or funding an activity. 

I tend to also get bored quickly so my obsessions can fizzle out in a matter of days/weeks , but some go on for months. Does anyone else experience this too? 

any advice would be greatly appreciated :) 

  • Obsessions, they’re an autistic thing Slight smile

    I did a lot of research into autistic obsessions a few years ago when I was in the middle of the most consuming/brain melting/exhausting obsession that I have ever had the displeasure to experience. Obsessions can be horrific but they’re not always bad. In fact, dare I say, they can even be therapeutic. I would say that I am currently without ‘problematic obsession’. Note that I chose my words carefully there, I am not without obsession, I never will be without obsession but I without obsession that is causing a problem to me. I’m going to try to share what I learned during my period of research into autistic obsessions, in no particular order:

    We can’t help it! There are numerous research articles detailing the mental rigidity and difficulty in shifting set that are prevalent in Autism and the impact that this has on restriction and repetitive thoughts/words/behaviours. Put simply, our brains get stuck. Our neural circuitry dictates that our standard thought process is thinking in continuous never ending loops, regardless of whether we are thinking about a special interest, an anxiety providing situation, or pretty much anything. Our brains just like to go around in circles. 

    We need our obsessions. They’re kind of therapeutic for us, obsessing about something we are interested in is great way for the autistic mind to unwind from stress.They’re all in our heads. Our obsessions are our fantasy worlds where we can be whoever we want to be, where we can project unmet needs onto others, where other people can be exactly who we want them to be. But it is all just in our heads. It’s important to be able to make that distinction between fantasy and reality. 
    I could go on but I fear I may start to bore people.

    If you are finding your obsessions problematic then it would be wise to seek help through therapy. But whether you do this or not, obsessions do pass in time.

  • I’ve had my same obsession for 7 years now and it certainly shows no signs of settling 

  • I’ve heard of people who have had an obsession run for 20 years, but it did end, eventually. Personally I find that my obsessions tend to run for as long as I am gaining something from that obsession, even the total brain ache obsessions, because that gain can be many different things depending on the obsession. Are you gaining anything from your obsession?

  • Well I suppose I am still alive, but what I would really like is to publicise / find a useful action to reduce suicide. Publicise the distress that autistics suffer. Get the police to be more understanding of asd.

    any of these things really 

  • Well I suppose I am still alive, but what I would really like is to publicise / find a useful action to reduce suicide. Publicise the distress that autistics suffer. Get the police to be more understanding of asd.

    any of these things really 

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