How to deal with obsessions

Hi everyone 

I was wondering if anyone else experiences this , but I find that I can get obsessed with something very easily , for example if I like an idea then I will think obsessively about how to go about it , research it etc. I find I have multiple obsessions at the same time which are constantly going round in my head which makes me exhausted, trying to figure out how to do my obsessions , for example planning a trip away or funding an activity. 

I tend to also get bored quickly so my obsessions can fizzle out in a matter of days/weeks , but some go on for months. Does anyone else experience this too? 

any advice would be greatly appreciated :) 

Parents Reply Children
  • Me too - I'm currently loving the US politics and the back-room criminality that's been going on for decades.      On Youtube - I like Millennial Millie - she has an amazing ability to dig up what they're trying to hide - and Salty Cracker - his blunt assessment of the craziness is hilarious - but lots of swearing.   Smiley

    And, naturally, all the nerdy videos on there.  Smiley