Autistic Not Weird - can't believe I haven't seen this till today

I've only read a fraction of what's on that site - but what I've seen so far is like looking in a mirror. Brilliant stuff, cheered me up today and made me feel more valid and recognised.

  • I also found this website about a month ago, it's good isn't it? Have you seen their Autistic not weird advent calendar? I absolutely love it and have been sharing it on my group page on a daily basis, it's basically 24 things to love about Autistic people :-)

  • There is a group page on here?

    Plus how do you send friend requests on here? 

  • When I said group page, I meant the group page of the group that I run locally for Autistic women.

    To send a friend request. Hover the mouse over that person's avatar and a drop down box will appear including an option to request friendship. If you click on that option a window will open where you send them a brief message and send them the friend request.

  • When I said group page, I meant the group page of the group that I run locally for Autistic women.

    To send a friend request. Hover the mouse over that person's avatar and a drop down box will appear including an option to request friendship. If you click on that option a window will open where you send them a brief message and send them the friend request.

  • No worries!

    I started the group after I got diagnosed at the end of last year and realised that there is really not many support/social groups out there for adult diagnosed autistics!

    We have a main group meet up once a month where we do crafts or have talks about autism related issues. We're starting a mid month coffee link group from January and we even have a group trip to the zoo planned for February. The facebook group page is largely to 'gel' the members together as well as discuss relevant issues and let everyone know what is happening in the group.

  • Ah thank you , I'm using a phone so that might be why I've not seen the option display it self for the friend requests option . 

    It's cool that you run a page for women with autism I hope it helps them and you alot. 

    Thanks again