Menopause making autism more intense


Any older women going through or been through the peri-menopause/menopause? Did it make your autism more intense?  ...for the whole time of going through the menopause or just the weeks when your period would have been due?

I'm 50 and really struggling with severe mood swings, complete change of personality, left social media and isolated. go from feeling lonely to feeling resentful if someone texts me and I feel they're going to want to visit. Have become severely agoraphobic and hate crowds though can cope with going on quiet walks with the dog if I go when no-one else (or as few people as humanly possible) will be there.  so will set off in the dark very early am to reach the field/park for just as its turning to daylight so we have the place to ourselves etc.

What are other women's experiences of going through the menopause? Did it change your behaviour and/or personality completely?  go from calm to extremely anxious or rage within a few seconds?

I live very isolated and its up to a month wait for a GP appointment though none of them have experience of autism anyway so just wanted to know if my symptoms were 'normal' for an autistic woman, even if they were more intense than what a non-autistic woman would go through?



  • hi

    im 53 just been diagnosed with autism. I have struggled all my life especially around period time with terrible PMS , I ve also just had total hysterectomy too so my anxiety and menopause symptoms  are through the roof . My gp has put me on HRT but taking time and the panic and exhaustion is beyond belief. Im on a masive journey to lean about all of this and have read today about autistic fatigue. I have been told all my life its anxiety an also last year told I had fibromyalgia. Since getting my autism diagnosis< I am researching so much and together with hormone issues its opening up a whole new level of understanding. Im hoping to speak to my gp and see what else I can do but in the meantime have got to try and have a calm life, Ive had to stop work because I was having meltdowns too often. All is becoming clearer but how many women  are suffering out there being mis diagnosed with depression etc. Its a huge subject

  • hi

    im 53 just been diagnosed with autism. I have struggled all my life especially around period time with terrible PMS , I ve also just had total hysterectomy too so my anxiety and menopause symptoms  are through the roof . My gp has put me on HRT but taking time and the panic and exhaustion is beyond belief. Im on a masive journey to lean about all of this and have read today about autistic fatigue. I have been told all my life its anxiety an also last year told I had fibromyalgia. Since getting my autism diagnosis< I am researching so much and together with hormone issues its opening up a whole new level of understanding. Im hoping to speak to my gp and see what else I can do but in the meantime have got to try and have a calm life, Ive had to stop work because I was having meltdowns too often. All is becoming clearer but how many women  are suffering out there being mis diagnosed with depression etc. Its a huge subject

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