Private assessment- first stage

just wondering if anyone has self referred privately  and after the initial face to face chat the psychologist says you make eye contact, you understand love and anger, you have friends and you completed school so it’s just anxiety and I wouldn’t recommend paying for the full assessment (in brief thats what I understood she meant!)

i get that autism and anxiety are closely linked but this just explained so much and now I feel totally lost again. We didn’t discuss any of my current struggles, she just asked questions on childhood through to teens and I had no answers for developmental stages as I didn't know.

i know the online aq tests are just a guide but is it possible just to have anxiety snd still score highly on these?

any help appreciated! Feeling lost.

  • I too went private but initially with a Psychiatrist who diagnosed me with Aspergers. I wrote about 8 pages of A4 abour my life, quirks and daily struggles. He clearly read this, because he was able to ask me pertinent questions. He recommended a full assessment and initially saw a Psychologist for a pre-assessment in order to decide whether i should have the full assessment. Luckly she did and after an observational assessment with another Psychologist and two 1.5hr interviews (one with my wife present) - I got the confirmation diagnosis. The Psychiatrist cost £300, pre-assessment £280 and the full assessment £1500.

    I would write copious notes, include any odd stories that stick in your mind and they'll have more to work with. Thr eye contact thing is a bit of a myth. Although i find that when i explain stuff I always look away anyway. 

  • I wrote my copious notes in excel, I think that increased my aspie score :-D  

    Only teasing.  I did do it in excel and I wrote down additional notes during the assessment. I had a long conversation with her shoes and got familiar with the woodgrain in the parquet flooring tiles. But there are other traits I don't particularly have, e.g i was an early talker and had good language development.

    I went through a similar process as @JohnS  and @plastic  (Hey mods, the @ thing is timing out today!!) except i started with an assessment for PDA, which was quickly upgraded it to a diagnosis of Aspergers which i really didn't expect. Afterwards I've discovered all the issues about females with Autism and high levels of masking and it clicked into place. If i had just had the one session I probably would have masked all the way through it . As it was the second session with the same assessor, my guard dropped, my masking dropped and she saw a lot more of the real me. @Alwaysconfused do you think you masked a lot during the assessment?

  • Thanks for your reply. Yes I feel I was able to greet her as expected of me (which she pointed out at the end I was able to do) and I could feel myself getting face ache from the faces I was pulling. Surely as a trained professional she should understand women and masking? It was a 1.5hr conversation about life I cant remember because i have a terrible memory!

  • Smiley  Especially when we can't judge other people's motives - another obvious symptom?

  • Getting help shouldnt be this stressful!

  • And that's where we lose - we're really bad at arguing our position - another obvious symptom?     Conflict is very stressful!!

  • Thanks. I was a good girl at school too! I feel embarrassed I’ve spent this money. Worst fear was being told I’d got the wrong idea and it was met Disappointed

  • I feel frustrated on your behalf. My school days were also very skewed. I behaved like an angel, because my parents were teachers at the school. What's important is the massive debilitating anxiety caused by conforming. 

  • Ok thanks, I’m not good with words but I’ll see what I can do 

  • I would write a strongly-worded letter/e-mail saying how strongly you feel that you've not been properly assessed and have just been dismissed without proper due diligence and demand it is done properly again at no cost to you - the person has not taken you seriously from the moment you walked into the room and appeared to have pre-diagnosed/dismissed you.

  • I really recommend collecting your own notes, particularly when your anxiety is high and you are feeling the heat of the moment. Sounds like your assessor has not grasped that this is serious and debilitating for you. 

  • I can go against her advice and request the full assessment but I feel she’s already made her mind up and nothing she sees will change that as I dont tick the box for the childhood element in her mind even though I couldn’t give her much info, it was enough that I go through school and had a couple of friends

  • Well I thought so then at the end I was allowed to freestyle so I came with my excel sheet... and got the diagnosis anyway Grin

  • That’s interesting, I didn’t get any type of questionnaire at this stage. It was literally a chat and not a useful one because I didnt even tell her what I struggle with anxiety wise

  • Sounds like they've taken your cash and wasted your time.   

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