Seeing every human as equal is this an autistic trait?

I've mentioned this before to my gp as I seem blind to hierarchy, race, sex etc.

I dont notice how people dress and suffer face blindness quite badly.

I'll talk to everyone as equals. This helped me once in keeping fans away from a boy band once when I worked on the ferries as quite honest I didnt know the band do why would I pester them.

I also remembering a colleague saying oh you've met 'insert nicknsme' I said did I? They said yes he has a beard and dresses in womens clothing. I completely didnt notice yet to others they see it as something to talk about or be interested in.

I'm wondering am I the only one like this? I'll talk to anyone as equal no matter who they are. Is this not the right thing to do? I've just been called a racist as I admited this  to someone with asd. I explained that I cant see race, gender etc I can try but frustratingly im blind. I had to block this person as she was abusive over my honest statement. Is it offensive to be blind as I see it as a possitive as I dont pre judge a person based on these things, I'll treat them as equal unless they do something nasty to me and that would have to be pretty bad as I'm too placid and cant always see things that are sneaky

  • I wouldn't say I'm blind to race/appearance etc but I certainly don't have varying ways of acting around different people. I remember once at work we had a visit from the top boss and I said hi as usual and everyone gasped. I can't see why I would treat a complete stranger with more respect than a friend. I am me regardless of who I'm talking to.

    I wonder if the comment about racism was because people sometimes say they're colour blind and treat all races the same, but there are some situations where being mindful of someone's race is useful. For example, black people have historically been repressed and treated appallingly throughout the world so you may be more sensitive to that in a discussion. From what you're saying, you literally are "colour blind", or "gender blind" rather than pretending that colour and gender don't matter like some people do. It certainly doesn't sound like you are racist from what you have said.

    I also follow the mantra of treating everyone well until they prove that they don't deserve it.

  • I wouldn't say I'm blind to race/appearance etc but I certainly don't have varying ways of acting around different people. I remember once at work we had a visit from the top boss and I said hi as usual and everyone gasped. I can't see why I would treat a complete stranger with more respect than a friend. I am me regardless of who I'm talking to.

    I wonder if the comment about racism was because people sometimes say they're colour blind and treat all races the same, but there are some situations where being mindful of someone's race is useful. For example, black people have historically been repressed and treated appallingly throughout the world so you may be more sensitive to that in a discussion. From what you're saying, you literally are "colour blind", or "gender blind" rather than pretending that colour and gender don't matter like some people do. It certainly doesn't sound like you are racist from what you have said.

    I also follow the mantra of treating everyone well until they prove that they don't deserve it.

  • Thank you for your reply. Its certainly frustrating for me as I cant help the way I am. Its one of my many thjings that I'm trying to work on but I'm not sure how. Its also another thing that makes me want to hide in my house in case I offend. As in the top boss thing, I have done exactly the same and for this reason she told me that the promotion I had been promised by the previous boss was now taken away! I care very deeply about upsetting people and will replay conversations in my head or ask my husband to decifer situations for me as he is NT. Hes been doing this for 15 years now and is getting tired lol. I also cant remember faces, Ive been standing next to my husband before and not realised it was him as we hadnt gone out together so I didnt expect that. If someone has just spoken to me I instantly forget their face which causes problems when incidents happen. I too am like you at treating everyone equal unless they step way over the line