
So I am 25 female diagnosed with ASD a few months ago, I’m finding it hard to accept not that it changes anything about me. I’ve always known something was different from being a child but was diagnosed with OCD etc. I decided that to go for an assessment just to talk and see what they thought which resulted in ASD. I guess where I can socialise etc Can they get it wrong or are they pretty good with diagnosing? I don’t know just wondered if anyone els was in denial at first. 

  • Hi! Welcome to the forum. I'm also a 25-year-old woman and have been waiting for a diagnosis for a year now. I also have OCD and I'm currently in therapy to try and take control of it (it's really helped so far). Purple Ella has some great YouTube videos that may help you to accept your diagnosis (she also has a video exploring the differences in women and girls, and why we don't always fit the stereotype society has of an autistic person). I'd also highly recommend reading 'Odd girl out' by Laura James and 'Can you see me?' by Libby Scott (the latter is a children's book, but it's amazing and it helped me relate back to some of my high school experiences).

    I haven't had my diagnosis yet, but I do think a diagnosis is life-changing and takes time to process. Even though it doesn't change you, it'll probably mean you view your life through a slightly different lens, but it'll hopefully help you to understand yourself better in the long-term. Just take your time and try not to feel bad about how you're feeling - from what I've read on this forum, questioning and wondering are very normal at the stage you're in.

  • Thanks you for getting in touch. I will defiantly look into everything everyone has told me, it’s just come to a head I guess I’ve always known something wasn’t quite the same as everyone els and going backwards and forwards from therapy etc since being young and finally having an awnsers  it Kind of feels surreal. Thankyou hopefully in time I will learn to accept who i am and that it’s ok 

  • Hopefully, you'll find the forum helpful. I've found that people have lots of good advice to share here.

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