Travel anxiety-anyone else have this?


Am curious to know if anyone here suffers from travel anxiety? When I was little occasionally I used to suffer from bad anxiety when we had to travel than the few miles into our town, but the 45 miles to where my grandparents live was too much and resulted in anxiety and attacks leading up to the day in question. Then on the day of travel, we would take my dads car, if I went nine times out of ten I'd have a panic attack and end up sick along the way.

I'm a bit older now but my travel anxiety is even worse now. Any journey even the short ones into town make me so anxious and give me anxiety symptoms leading up to it and on the day.

I never go anywhere now. No job, no friends just extreme anxiety. Also another form of this is that when I'm in the car and travelling I need the toilet and need to wee literally within five minutes of the journey starting. And on hour long journeys it becomes so difficult, especially as most public toilets are closed here now.

This morning I was meant to go with my dad to see my grandma but the anxiety was severe and I backed out and now I feel so guilty and bad.

I know that the logical thing to do is to go to the doctors but I get severe panic attacks when I go so I don't go.
But I realize that this is becoming really bad for me.

  • I have big anxiety but I love travelling. I do always have at the back of my mind how I get home if it all goes wrong. When I go on holiday I always like to stay not far from the airport, I would hate to be 2 hours away. I am a nightmare at the airport, there hours early, just sit there staring at the screen until the gate comes up, i wish they would give you it when you get there. Always anxious I have booked the wrong date, time, everything really and I hate travelling with others who are really relaxed about timings etc. The diffrence is that being diagnosed late I was never allowed to be diffrent, I was just to get on with life, no matter what.

  • I have big anxiety but I love travelling. I do always have at the back of my mind how I get home if it all goes wrong. When I go on holiday I always like to stay not far from the airport, I would hate to be 2 hours away. I am a nightmare at the airport, there hours early, just sit there staring at the screen until the gate comes up, i wish they would give you it when you get there. Always anxious I have booked the wrong date, time, everything really and I hate travelling with others who are really relaxed about timings etc. The diffrence is that being diagnosed late I was never allowed to be diffrent, I was just to get on with life, no matter what.

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