I pray to God every day

Do you?

  • I also pray to God every day. I do this twice, in the morning when I wake up and in the evening before I fall asleep. In general, I understand that you need to pray much more and more often. But unfortunately, because of their work, Meyan does not manage to do this often. But I often attend church [Removed by Mod] I have prayed there for a very long time. Recently I thought that every prayer is a request from God. And this should not be. After all, God himself decides what fate to give us and what path to give us. So now, when I pray, I don't ask God for anything. I thank him for everything.

  • Beautifully put.  I love the reminder that gratitude is prayer.  Writing out a gratitude list of any length is writing out an amazingly powerful prayer. 

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  • I have deep respect for my Muslim friends as a traditional Catholic - and it was a Pakistani Muslim friend who encouraged me to return to the regular practice of my Catholic Faith some 15 years ago - I do believe that we Catholics can learn much from our Muslim friends in so many aspects, such as thier commitment to thier prayer life 5 times a day, fasting, etc - I’ve since discovered that there are many similarities between Islam and the traditional Catholic faith (pre-Vatican II) that I currently practice and in fact, I was only just chatting to a Muslim friend about this a few days ago