*Autistic Shutdowns collection* - Do you experience these ?


I have been trying to work out if I am experiencing Shutdowns, I am still not sure 

I have been trying to find information online but its pretty unspecific. Very few videos about it either.

If you experience shutdowns, please

  1. list the symptoms
  2. describe the process you experience
  3. describe how you feel afterwards please
  4. what triggers it / is there always a trigger ?

I want to determine if I am indeed experiencing shutdowns.  

Get your experiences added to this collection  Thumbsup.

Thanks for any responses,advice,ideas

  • So... I'm also confused about this. I'll tell you what I experience, and then I'll tell you why I'm unsure!

    1. I have times when I feel absolutely, flat-out exhausted - all I want to do is curl up in a dark, quiet room and sleep. I don't want any light or noise - even the TV is too much. I struggle to communicate and I find it hard to even imagine getting anything productive done. I usually feel this coming on throughout the day (e.g. during a particularly challenging day at work), but manage to stave it off until I get home.

    2. The process is: feeling exhausted (sometimes with sensory overload); struggling to communicate (e.g. mixing up words); struggling to function (e.g. walking home is like walking through jelly!); heading to a dark room; lying quietly; usually going to sleep.

    3. Afterwards, I feel groggy - as if I've slept for too long and can't come around properly.

    4. The triggers seem to be sensory issues, stress, anxiety, emotional/information overload, and being overtired.

    Why am I questioning whether these are shutdowns? I recently went to my doctor and have been referred to a specialist - it turns out I'm anaemic and may have been suffering from a chronic illness for years, without knowing it! The chronic condition they suspect comes with extreme fatigue, as do the symptoms of anaemia.

    At this point, I'm not sure whether I'm experiencing autistic shutdowns, or just overwhelmed by the fatigue caused by my physical health conditions. I suppose the most important thing is not the question of whether it's a shutdown, but what you can do to take care of yourself (I know that I need to take it easier sometimes, and that's okay).

    A cautionary note from me - it's always worth checking with your doctor if you experience symptoms like this. I have several symptoms that I've been putting down to autism and anxiety, but there's a lot going on inside my body that I'd completely overlooked!

  • You have just described  my daily life, interesting that it was anaemia causing you to feel that way.

    I've been checked for anaemia this was when I had no idea I was autistic turns out I was a picture of health according to the doctor who then wanted to give me pills for stress. 

    But then again I realised, well had been proved wrong in trusting these doctors as for years I had a complaint that they missed on numerous appointments, one appointment private they found the cause I had an op now I'm feeling better. So who knows? 

  • Glad you're feeling a bit better since the op.

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