*Autistic Shutdowns collection* - Do you experience these ?


I have been trying to work out if I am experiencing Shutdowns, I am still not sure 

I have been trying to find information online but its pretty unspecific. Very few videos about it either.

If you experience shutdowns, please

  1. list the symptoms
  2. describe the process you experience
  3. describe how you feel afterwards please
  4. what triggers it / is there always a trigger ?

I want to determine if I am indeed experiencing shutdowns.  

Get your experiences added to this collection  Thumbsup.

Thanks for any responses,advice,ideas

  • Before I describe my own experiences, here's a link that's been doing the rounds of autism websites for quite a while, and which seems to be found helpful by a lot of people - Shutdown (thing) by Zifendorf

    My own experience, I'd split into two categories; short-term acute shut-downs caused by sensory or emotional overload, and longer-term impairments of function when I'm burned out.

    The short-term overloads most often happen when I'm in an overstimulating environment with lots of noise and movement, particularly crowded social situations like socialising in a pub or club (the sound of lots of human voices all at once is a particularly strong trigger for me). They usually begin with me starting to feel very dissociated from my surroundings - the sounds around me become just a wall of noise that feels like it's closing in around me, and I stop being able to make sense of what I'm hearing. I often feel as if I'm unable to begin any kind of action; I become glued to the spot and become unable to speak.

    If I do manage to move to get away from the sensory stimulus, I'm usually very unsteady on my feet, find it very hard to negotiate my way around obstacles, and can often be completely lost even in places which I'm otherwise very familiar with. If people notice that I'm struggling and try to help, I can't understand anything that they say to me and don't comprehend what they're trying to do. After a while, I just end up in a kind of "waxy catatonia" where my senses shut down completely so that I have no awareness of my surroundings, and my body becomes moveable by other people, but rigid, like a shop dummy or action figure toy.

    Once I'm away from the overwhelming stimulus, I usually feel absolutely exhausted. I'll continue to be partly shut-down for a long time afterwards, during which time, there will be everyday skills and memories which I don't seem able to access - for example; I may still be mute, unable to read or write, have difficulty with navigation etc. If I've got as far as a total "catatonic" shut-down, it usually segues straight into deep sleep for several hours without me coming to my senses first.

    During periods of being burned-out, the shutting down is more partial, and can affect almost any kind of skills or memory. I feel like I'm trapped in a bit of a bubble. I'll find it very hard to initiate any kind of task, and when I try to, often find that I'm unable to remember how to do what I want and have great difficulty coordinating my movements. In particular, my ability to communicate goes completely to pot, whether spoken or written - I just can't organise my thoughts enough to respond to even the simplest of questions and I have to go completely incommunicado until I recover, as any attempt to overcome this strains my brain such that I shut down even further. Lots of rest and sleep, and avoiding any kind of external demands, are the only route to recovery that I've ever found effective.

  • your link document is the best I have seen. Absolutely brilliant,,,,  still reading Slight smile

  • ...Greetings Mr. Aidie (I spelt Your name wrong before.) You know (currently) what I am like (a bit silly when able)...& so this should be okay to post as a remark in the middle-ish of a Thread. I just tapped upon THAT LINK. My goodness, I had no idea! Someone should start a Thread about this Link, all on its own! I always thought that "shutdowns" were *physical*, and for Myself, I meant what I said about Physical Illnesses such as Asthma causing Me to "shutdown" first of all.

    ...But the sudden inabillity to comprehend words as a 'shutdown', as said upon that LINK... Yes! I have had this! It is VERY scary and not nice. I never attributed it to "shutdowns" because I could always compensate and/or walk away. I would have called it TMI (Too Much Information), but never a "shutdown" because I could always cope. 

    If TMI counts as a "shutdown", then, yes yes, this is the only kind of shutdown which I have... in 'social situations'... so I usually avoid social situations...unless I am focussed upon learning from them and/or I am able to take/write down NOTES.

    (In My life, simply blocking people out and leaving does not count as a shutdown... just 'being stubborn' or unwell.)

  • glad it was of help to you DC. Thanks for contributing to this thread. It is  the social situations before and after where many people get autistic shutdowns so you are not alone.

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