*Autistic Shutdowns collection* - Do you experience these ?


I have been trying to work out if I am experiencing Shutdowns, I am still not sure 

I have been trying to find information online but its pretty unspecific. Very few videos about it either.

If you experience shutdowns, please

  1. list the symptoms
  2. describe the process you experience
  3. describe how you feel afterwards please
  4. what triggers it / is there always a trigger ?

I want to determine if I am indeed experiencing shutdowns.  

Get your experiences added to this collection  Thumbsup.

Thanks for any responses,advice,ideas

  • My shutdowns don't last long but I am having way too many due to stress / pressure at work. It's the main reason i realised I had to get diagnosed. 

    At the end of the work day i just feel numb and i have to sit in silence and stare at the wall and feel....nothing. i have to shut out all stimulation.An hour can go by in this state and it feels like 5 minutes.  I just zone out in a state of anxiety instead of a state of peace.

    I'm really down about it.  It's my main symptom and its hurting really badly because my husband finds them hard to accept.  He wants my attention when i can't give it.  

    I found it interesting to read the thread, so thanks for starting it. 

  • no problem i am detecting from my reading/research that they seem to vary quite a bit and this is a good place to ask those, like me ( maybe), who experience them.  Shutdowns are also probably more prevalent than realised and more distressing than people think. Thanks for the reply.

  • no problem i am detecting from my reading/research that they seem to vary quite a bit and this is a good place to ask those, like me ( maybe), who experience them.  Shutdowns are also probably more prevalent than realised and more distressing than people think. Thanks for the reply.

  • Yes, I'll second that. I'm learning a lot

  • I'm a new member, only recently (re-)realising I may be undiagnosed asperger's, and I just want to say thank you for this share, it is incredibly helpful and comforting to me to come on here and read other people's experiences that are so similar to mine. G

  • I like the detail, thanks for this, really informative stuff. 

  • I forgot to write about the trigger. I think it’s to do with feeling absorbed in my work but extremely tired from a long day,  and not wanting to face the outside world, which will need extra energy, on my journey home. I want to cocoon myself. It’s like meltdown avoidance. I enter a kind of stasis where everything is suspended.

    i have also walked out of parties and social events sometimes. I feel safer outdoors in the dark than indoors with lots of people. 

    My aspergers diagnosis showed lots of PDA (demand avoidant) traits and that fits with frequent avoidant behavior, i.e. shutdowns.
    Maybe also perhaps a prevalent , but not exclusive , female aspie trait? Social conditioning leading to a switch off, to prevent a potential meltdown?