Christmas presents

Does anyone else find the whole present thing pointless ? Why doesn't everyone keep their money and buy stuff they want for themselves ?

So much pressure to find just the right gift and to respond to what you are given positively regardless of If you actually like it or not !

  • I like giving presents; I craft so I can find homes for all my knitting and other hand made things (otherwise I don't know what I'd do with it all...). I don't really do obligation presents though, only presents for people I really want to do presents for (there are a couple of people where it's a case of feeling like I kind of have to get them a present, and that does stress me out when I'm stuck for ideas). Generally I pick one thing though and everyone gets the same, this year it's jumpers (I've two more to knit before Christmas...), last year it was hats, the year before it was socks, the year before that everyone got a hand decorated mug. I like to think most people enjoy the thought and time I've put into them if not the thing itself (though hopefully since I do put time and effort and a lot of thought into making them personal and something they would like, they do also like the thing). I really do think it's the thought that counts, but that that should require some actual thought, not just gifting a random box of chocolates/a scented candle/selection of toiletries etc (unless the person would be particularly thrilled to get those things).

    And mostly my family are good at either getting me something I want, or asking me what I want (my brother always gets us to pick something out because he says he'd rather get us something he knows we want), which I don't mind, because it's an opportunity to ask for little things I want but can never quite feel like I'm justified spending money on in every day circumstances (e.g. I always get my mum to buy me a good pair of tights and I often ask for fancy teas).

  • I like giving presents; I craft so I can find homes for all my knitting and other hand made things (otherwise I don't know what I'd do with it all...). I don't really do obligation presents though, only presents for people I really want to do presents for (there are a couple of people where it's a case of feeling like I kind of have to get them a present, and that does stress me out when I'm stuck for ideas). Generally I pick one thing though and everyone gets the same, this year it's jumpers (I've two more to knit before Christmas...), last year it was hats, the year before it was socks, the year before that everyone got a hand decorated mug. I like to think most people enjoy the thought and time I've put into them if not the thing itself (though hopefully since I do put time and effort and a lot of thought into making them personal and something they would like, they do also like the thing). I really do think it's the thought that counts, but that that should require some actual thought, not just gifting a random box of chocolates/a scented candle/selection of toiletries etc (unless the person would be particularly thrilled to get those things).

    And mostly my family are good at either getting me something I want, or asking me what I want (my brother always gets us to pick something out because he says he'd rather get us something he knows we want), which I don't mind, because it's an opportunity to ask for little things I want but can never quite feel like I'm justified spending money on in every day circumstances (e.g. I always get my mum to buy me a good pair of tights and I often ask for fancy teas).

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