Christmas presents

Does anyone else find the whole present thing pointless ? Why doesn't everyone keep their money and buy stuff they want for themselves ?

So much pressure to find just the right gift and to respond to what you are given positively regardless of If you actually like it or not !

  • I do realise that Christmas can be difficult for some people with ASD and as such I am running an event for my local group for Autistic women on the 28th December, for those that are isolated and need company or are finding family Christmas events too overwhelming and need to escape or who just need a bit of Autistic solidarity over the festive period.

    However, I might be in the minority here but I absolutely love Christmas! I’m a full on planning every minute detail from the beginning of September Christmas Queen. It’s my birthday Christmas Day too! But, that said, I never ‘expect’ to receive presents from anyone and would never be offended if a relative or friend didn’t get me a gift because they found it all a bit overwhelming and/or unnecessary. No one should feel obligated to get presents or immerse themselves in all things Christmas if they don’t want to.

  • I do realise that Christmas can be difficult for some people with ASD and as such I am running an event for my local group for Autistic women on the 28th December, for those that are isolated and need company or are finding family Christmas events too overwhelming and need to escape or who just need a bit of Autistic solidarity over the festive period.

    However, I might be in the minority here but I absolutely love Christmas! I’m a full on planning every minute detail from the beginning of September Christmas Queen. It’s my birthday Christmas Day too! But, that said, I never ‘expect’ to receive presents from anyone and would never be offended if a relative or friend didn’t get me a gift because they found it all a bit overwhelming and/or unnecessary. No one should feel obligated to get presents or immerse themselves in all things Christmas if they don’t want to.

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