not sure where to turn.

hi all,

Just want to tell you a bit about myself. I'm 45 years old and always had a feeling something is not right. At school I couldn't deal with large classes of 30 plus and was consistently getting in trouble and ended up being expelled from 2 high schools and banned from all schools in my county. I ended up going to a boarding school with specialist staff and classes of only 5. I found this quite easy to deal with. I have always struggled with big groups of people and have always had a small group of friends. I can't cope with waiting in line for things or crowds. 

Work has always been okay of I have a routine and stick to it. Any changes to my routine I struggle and can have what i call mini episodes where I fear the worst case scenarios will happen. About a year ago I got promoted at work to a manager and my routine completely changed. This led to me nearly quitting the job and going back to my comfortable routine. I didn't as I had some really supportive colleagues who have helped me so much. What people have noticed is if I get a task I focus on that and nothing else is important until that is completed. I also obsess with getting things done and hate leaving things. I can be at home stressing about things at work that are not really that important to deal with but my head says they have to be done. 

I think when I was young in the 80's I was just classes as a naughty kid and that was it. It's only now some people at work I trust and tell them some of the things I feel say that it may be worth going to a doctor and see what they say. Sorry for the long post at this time of night but I'm starting to threat about it and want to talk to someone. 

  • Hi Shredder1uk

    I have only just joined this sight but am hoping it well help me to help my 27 year old son & the rest of the family. He believed as he got older that he had Aspergers & when he was 20 he got diagnosed & I honestly believe actually being diagnosed was a great help to him,before this he was sat alone in his room playing computer games & feeling very depressed but he now has a full time job that he copes very well with & a nice group of friends. I’m not saying it’s been easy as only the other night he had a violent outburst at home, which is why I have joined this site in the hope that I can get some advice. I honestly think a great start for you would be to get diagnosed & take things from there. Just remember you’re not alone. 

  • Hi Shredder1uk

    I have only just joined this sight but am hoping it well help me to help my 27 year old son & the rest of the family. He believed as he got older that he had Aspergers & when he was 20 he got diagnosed & I honestly believe actually being diagnosed was a great help to him,before this he was sat alone in his room playing computer games & feeling very depressed but he now has a full time job that he copes very well with & a nice group of friends. I’m not saying it’s been easy as only the other night he had a violent outburst at home, which is why I have joined this site in the hope that I can get some advice. I honestly think a great start for you would be to get diagnosed & take things from there. Just remember you’re not alone. 

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