What is Success?

Hi all,

I would be interested in the communities views on what success looks like for individuals with an Autistic Spectrum Condition, in a neurotypical world. It is obvious that we are continually marginalised by those that control a rather skewed version of what the objective facts are. 

All opinions will be greatly appreciated.


  • success these days is just simply surviving and being able to have a basic life.

    its owning your own home, being able to afford food, being able to put the heating on a few times in winter but not too long because thats way too expensive these days lol

    edit: ah i see its a years old post again, dont blame me a spam bot bumped this and i thought it was new lol

  • success these days is just simply surviving and being able to have a basic life.

    its owning your own home, being able to afford food, being able to put the heating on a few times in winter but not too long because thats way too expensive these days lol

    edit: ah i see its a years old post again, dont blame me a spam bot bumped this and i thought it was new lol

  • Yeah, it almost always seems to be the spam bots that resurrect old posts from years ago.

    Before I dive right in and commit myself to making a response, I try to make a point of checking when the original post was posted.  For the benefit of any newbies, this appears to the right of the member's username, in a smaller-sized font.