What is Success?

Hi all,

I would be interested in the communities views on what success looks like for individuals with an Autistic Spectrum Condition, in a neurotypical world. It is obvious that we are continually marginalised by those that control a rather skewed version of what the objective facts are. 

All opinions will be greatly appreciated.


  • Hi all,

    I have read all the responses, of which I thank you all for taking the time. But I would like to expand, if possible. A little bit about me. I was late to get a diagnosis, 41. I "retired" at 35, as I started a journey for diagnosis followed the given path of personality disorder, PTSD and depression. But now I have "buyers remorse". I had a very successful career as a chef and now the path of "ignorance is bliss" is preferable. I cannot help noticing that Buddhism and the academic path are both mentioned, as the latter I am involved in. Buddhism is something that I am working towards (I am joining a class on Saturday). Yet I am driven by the question that leads this thread. As Aspies, should we not carve a different path? Again, all opinions would be appreciated.


  • We should carve whatever path works for us, regardless of other people's opinions. What matters is staying true to yourself and doing what makes you happy and fulfilled.

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