Global Climate Strike


Is anyone else attending a strike event today? It's essentially my worst nightmare but I feel so strongly about the issue that I have to at least try.

  • Have you read the opposition argument against extinction rebellion? There are a few interesting thoughts out there, and I don't know what to believe personally. Are environmental issues taking the spotlight detracting from our ability to stay up to date with the latest communication technologies companies implementations of 5G? 

  • I'm not sure I understand what you mean. 98% of scientists (as far as I recall) agree that the climate is changing due to human activity. Even the IPCC which is very conservative in its estimates, believes that we have 12 years to avert catastrophe. The ice caps are melting before our eyes (estimates believed this was far in the future). The southern hemisphere are suffering most from flooding, typhoons, storms, droughts. Millions of people are displaced due to climate change (that we in the northern hemisphere created). Even here we saw huge temperatures in Europe over summer that killed many. There's a good visual showing temperatures over the past 150 years and how they are increasing.

    5G really is the least of our worries. A small increase in temperature can destroy crops. Remember the droughts in the UK last year? Not enough grass feed for the livestock. Then flooding where many animals drowned. Potato harvests 25% smaller. 

    As the ice melts the increase in temperature accelerates. We're already too late for many poor countries who are suffering now. If we act quickly and do everything possible (and things currently impossible) we can reduce the impact. 

    I find it insane that people can see photos of Arctic ice from 50 years ago, now completely melted, and continue to question the science. Personally I have a chronic illness. We had a moor fire last year that made me so ill I needed 2 weeks hospital treatment. I didn't even live that close. It's very scary but putting our heads in the sand won't help. Everyone needs to get on board quickly and work together to prevent more harm. Even if it means giving up things we want.

  • I'm not sure I understand what you mean. 98% of scientists (as far as I recall) agree that the climate is changing due to human activity. Even the IPCC which is very conservative in its estimates, believes that we have 12 years to avert catastrophe. The ice caps are melting before our eyes (estimates believed this was far in the future). The southern hemisphere are suffering most from flooding, typhoons, storms, droughts. Millions of people are displaced due to climate change (that we in the northern hemisphere created). Even here we saw huge temperatures in Europe over summer that killed many. There's a good visual showing temperatures over the past 150 years and how they are increasing.

    5G really is the least of our worries. A small increase in temperature can destroy crops. Remember the droughts in the UK last year? Not enough grass feed for the livestock. Then flooding where many animals drowned. Potato harvests 25% smaller. 

    As the ice melts the increase in temperature accelerates. We're already too late for many poor countries who are suffering now. If we act quickly and do everything possible (and things currently impossible) we can reduce the impact. 

    I find it insane that people can see photos of Arctic ice from 50 years ago, now completely melted, and continue to question the science. Personally I have a chronic illness. We had a moor fire last year that made me so ill I needed 2 weeks hospital treatment. I didn't even live that close. It's very scary but putting our heads in the sand won't help. Everyone needs to get on board quickly and work together to prevent more harm. Even if it means giving up things we want.

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