Global Climate Strike


Is anyone else attending a strike event today? It's essentially my worst nightmare but I feel so strongly about the issue that I have to at least try.

  • I have to confess, I knew nothing about it until I saw this thread - living under a rock as usual; I am a troglodyte after all!

    However, I second the sentiment that it's good to see so many young people getting involved in trying to shape a better world. I do my little bit by modelling my lifestyle on the Wombles to some extent, but I do wish I had more stamina for being out in public and joining in with the activism.

  • I have to confess, I knew nothing about it until I saw this thread - living under a rock as usual; I am a troglodyte after all!

    However, I second the sentiment that it's good to see so many young people getting involved in trying to shape a better world. I do my little bit by modelling my lifestyle on the Wombles to some extent, but I do wish I had more stamina for being out in public and joining in with the activism.

  • i have been called  " a fuckin Womble !". i tend to take stuff  from bins and recycle them, mostly to charity shops :) people throw out all sorts these days - hoping for a nice Ferrari some day

  • I suspect, as most of the UK media is owned by very wealthy people with a lot of shares in non-renewables, it wasn't widely talked about. I mostly hear about the climate crisis from Twitter but it does seem to be slowly changing (not fast enough).

    If we all followed the example of the wombles we wouldn't be in this mess! :) Companies are constantly coming up with ideas to be more eco, whilst still encouraging us to buy buy buy, but actually just re-using things, not buying things we don't need, would be better for the planet.