Motion Sickness

I suffer badly with sea sickness. I've tried every technique going and nothing works. I know a couple of other people who I suspect are autistic but haven't been formally diagnosed, and they are exactly the same.

Just curious to know whether others on here are the same, and also equally interested to hear from people on the spectrum for whom it's not a problem.

Any techniques / remedies welcome, (though I've probably tried it :) ).

  • Yep. I spent the whole crossing to the Isle of Man with my head in a toilet. I get sick on rides like Flying Chairs (fine on a fast rollercoaster) or Pirate ships. As a kid I got sick on every car journey but I'm better if in the front seat, and if I try to read on a bus or train I will be vomiting after 10 seconds!

    Things that help are taking motion sickness tablets, watching the way ahead, eating ginger nuts.

  • I’m fine too on a fast rollercoaster.  But even the thought of the pirate ship or the spinning teacups makes my stomach churn. 

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